Chapter 9

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   "Yugi my boy it's time for breakfast." The man called grandpa taps Yugi's head playfully with a roll of paper, his hair making way for the wad of paper. Yugi smiles up at him and playfully swats away his grandfather's hand. The pair of them continue to laugh and play around with the other almost completely unaware of my presence. Well, grandpa is definitely unaware of my presence. Yugi, on the other hand, has become able to see me completely no matter where I am. Even if I'm not in his line of sight he can still sense me. It's fascinating.
   "What are we having today?"
   "You're favorite." The old man replies with a gentle grin. A soft grin escapes Yugi's lips as he jumps off of the couch and runs through the house. I can't help but stare after him in surprise. I've never seen Yugi move that fast. Where was that speed when he was being bullied?!
   "Hey! Don't eat all of it!" His grandpa booms as he follows after his suddenly energetic grandson. Curiosity claws at my mind and I find myself following after the short family.  I slap a hand over my mouth to stifle a grin and a laugh that is threatening to slip by. "What happened here?" Grandpa asks with a chuckle. That is an excellent question. I feel my shoulders begin to tremble from the mere attempt of trying to contain my amusement.
   Yugi is sitting on the floor in a puddle of light brown liquid and covered in a white fluffy substance. His expression is annoyed but I can feel his happiness from my position by the door. A small pink tongue runs across his bottom lip making some of the mess disappear completely.
   "I slipped." Yugi says with a sheepish grin.
   "Slipped?" Grandpa asks with a skeptical expression. "On what exactly?"
   "I... I tripped okay?"
   "Okay." He chuckles in response. "Are you alright?"
   "The only thing hurt is my pride." He says with a goofy grin.
   "Alright, wait here. I'll go get you a fresh change of clothes."
   "Thank you!" Yugi calls after his grandpa's fleeting form. A residual smile remains on his face as he glances over at me. "What? What are you smirking at?"
   "Nothing at all." I chuckle as I look at his sticky form. His clothes hang to him like a second skin as he stands in the middle of the kitchen dripping that strange brown liquid. "You look spectacular today."
   "Oh shut up." Yugi huffs. "I tripped over my own feet and knocked over the syrup."
   "Yeah syrup."
   "Which substance is that?" I ask as I gesture to his body. Yugi stares at me quizzicaly for a moment before grabbing a translucent bottle from the counter. He holds it up to me and I can see a small remainder of the strange brown liquid clinging to the sides.
   "This is syrup. You put it on top of food."
   "Is it bitter?"
   "No it's sweet." He answers with a grin. "Just like whipped cream, it's sweet."
   "Whipped... cream?" I struggle to pronounce the strange phrase. "Is that the white stuff?"
   "Yeah would you like to try some?"
   "Sure why not." I shrug. Yugi smiles at me brightly. I run my tongue across his cheek tasting the sugary sweet taste of syrup and whipped cream. Merciful gods it's euphoric. I was about to take another lick of the delicious substance when Yugi suddenly pulled away from me.
   "What are you doing?!" He whispers harshly, his face as red as a fire.
   "Tasting the syrup and whipped cream you offered me."
   "But why are you licking me?!"
   "Where else am I supposed to get some?" I challenge.
  "I would have poured you some!" He shrieks in embarrassment. "I never meant for you to lick it off of me."
   "Yugi who are you talking to?" Grandpa asks as he walks back into the room.
   "N-no one grandpa." He stammers.
   "Are you sure?" Silver eyebrows furrow down on top of dark purple eyes. "I'm quite certain that I heard you talking."
   "You're mistaken." Yugi lies smoothly. "Thank you for the clothes."
   "Oh, yes, you're welcome." He murmurs confusedly as he hands over Yugi's fresh set of clothes. "Now go get changed quickly before the food gets cold."
   "Yes grandpa." He murmurs. He didn't even make it two steps out of the kitchen before I grabbed him. "What are you doing?" He hisses at me. I say nothing as I slide a hand over his mouth silencing him. A muffled squeak escapes his lips as I take another taste of the sweet confection that covers his skin.
   "Gods so good." I murmur before licking the streams of syrup and whipped cream off of his neck. Yugi sinks his teeth harshly into my fingers but I can't bring myself to care at the moment. I take one last slow lick from his shoulder to his chin, savoring  every small bead of syrup and whipped cream. A light, content sigh slips past my lips as I release Yugi from my grip. "Delicious."
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Yugi hisses as he storms away from me, freshly crumpled clothes in hand. "I can't believe you did that."
"Why are you making such a fuss?" I whisper as I lick the remainders of the syrup from my lips. "You were the one who offered." Yugi spins around to face me, his face glowing bright like an ember. I am stunned to see that there are tears in his eyes.
"That wasn't what I offered and you know it." He whispers, his voice wavering. "You only do what you want."
"Yugi I-"
"I guess it shouldn't surprise me." He whispers last trembling lips. "You broke your promise to me, why would this be any different to you?"
"That isn't fair!" I argue. "Those situations are by no means similar." Yugi says nothing as he drops his gaze and walks into the bathroom closing the door behind him. Even though I know Yugi is right I still can't help but feel angry at him. I lie down on the couch, reclining my feet on the arm. Why do I feel so conflicted? I feel anger and guilt. I dig the palms of my hands into my eyes. What the hell is this boy doing to me?!

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