Chapter 3

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   Two amethyst eyes stare at me in uncomprehending confusion. Can't honestly say that I blame him for the stupid expression on his face. If our situations were reversed I'm sure that my expression would almost be completely identical. His eyes never stray from my face. Just from how long he's been staring at me I think it would be safe to assume that he's terrified to blink.
   "Staring is rude."
   "So is randomly appearing out of nothing." He whispers in response.
   "So you can speak, fantastic." I murmur. "Now, if you don't mind I would appreciate if you would deconstruct the puzzle."
   "What?" The boy's eyes narrow. "Why would I do that? I just finished it."
   "I can see that." I answer with a clipped tone. "But I would like to go home now, so if you don't mind."
    "You lived in here?" He asks with a puzzled expression as he holds the puzzle delicately between his palms. "How?"
   "That is not important nor is it any of your business."
   "My room, my rules, now answer the question." He says with a serious expression. What an insolent little brat thinking that he can boss me around. He has no idea who he is dealing with.
   "Give me the puzzle." I growl.
   "I'd rather not."
   "Fine then I'll just take it!" I grumble in annoyance as I reach for it. The boy flinches away from me but the action is pointless. My hand drifts right through him almost as if he is made of fog, or more accurately I am. This is isn't happening. The boy's eyes are scrunched tightly shut as he remains curled in a defensive ball.  I reach for the puzzle again only to have it slip through my fingers once more.
   Amethyst eyes peek out beneath dark lashes curiously as he sees me struggling to take the puzzle from him. He wisely remains silent as I keep trying until I eventually give up and storm to the opposite side of the room. My bare feet slap against the wooden floor harshly as I pace across the room in a manner similar to a violent storm. I can feel those young eyes trained on me as I continue to pace.
   "Is everything...alright?" He asks cautiously. The sound of his voice stuns me and causes me to pause mid stride. My eyes flick towards him, his body shrinks a little but his eyes never flit away from mine.
   "No." I murmur. "Nothing is alright."
   "Is there anyway that I could help you?"
   "There is, but you have refused to do it." I snap.
   "Well I need more of an explanation than just deconstruct the puzzle you just finished because I say so!"
   "Why don't you just listen to your elders and do as your told?!"
   "We look like we're the same age and why should I listen to you? You just appeared on my floor for no apparent reason wearing nothing but leather."
   "Leather?" I glance down at body and see that I am dressed completely  in a strange black material that reflects all of the yellow light that is shining from the strange contraption on the boy's desk. "Is that what this is called?" I run curious fingers over the garments and find that they run over them smoothly. "Fascinating." I whisper.
   "Who are you?" The boy whispers, the light shining behind him illuminates his form making it look like he has a halo. I wince away from the sight my face scrunching in pain. There is a soft click and then the light is gone. I peek out from beneath my eyelashes and see that the boy has a strange string in his hand that is attached to the light giver. "Is that better?"
   I can't bring myself to say anything. Nothing seems appropriate. I haven't had this much contact with another human being for a couple thousand years. To say that I'm a bit overwhelmed would be an understatement.
   "We got off on the wrong foot." The boy says with a goofy grin. His eyes looking down at the floor sheepishly.
   "I don't understand." I murmur disdainfully as I look away. The boy frowns for a moment before trying again, completely unpulsed by my aggressive demeanor.
   "We didn't make a good first impression of one another. Will you allow me to start over?" I look him over curiously for a moment. He seems to genuinely want to make a better first impression. I have to struggle to repress my aggravated sigh as I slowly nod. He is the only one around anyways. I can only hope that he appreciates my condescension.
   The boy's face lights up and he pats a spot on the floor not far from him. I raise an eyebrow in confusion at his actions. He merely smiles at me and pats the space once more. I sigh deeply as I slowly walk towards him and take a seat. I don't even try to conceal my dark expression as I cross my arms and stare expectantly at this boy.
   "My name is Yugi, what's yours?"
   "Not important." Yugi frowns and his eyes narrow in aggravation.
   "You know this only works if we both are forthcoming with information." He answers with a sigh. "It's a double standard."
   "You don't need to know anything about me." I answer gruffly. "As soon as you disassemble the puzzle you will never see me again."
   "You are making the assumption that I am intending to disassemble the puzzle oh nameless man."
   "Are you threatening me?" My lips pull back in a sneer as our two eyes clash.
   "No," Yugi answers calmly. "Merely stating a fact."
   "Tch." I turn my face away and stare intently at the wall. "This is ridiculous. I shouldn't have to put up with this." I grumble.
   "Well you are, so I suggest that you get over it." Yugi says with a cheeky grin. "You know I suppose that I could just name you." My eyes snap back to his fiercely. He flinches away from my gaze.
   "I am not a pet!"
   "Well then what am I supposed to call you?!" He cries out in exasperation.
   "Just call me Yami." I sigh.
   "Oh that's your name?"
   "Did I say it was my name? I just said that was what you can call me. Am I understood?"
   "Yeah..." The boy answers quietly. The meer look on his face setting my nerves on edge.
   What in the name of the gods have I been thrown into?!

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