Chapter 10

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   "Yugi!" A blonde boy leaps out of nowhere and wraps his arm around Yugi's small form. "It's wonderful to see you again!" A bright smile lights up Yugi's face as he wraps his arms around him in return.
   "It's good to see you too Joey."
   I can't help but stare at the pair in surprise. Yugi looks so happy and at ease with this boy. Why is he allowed to basically force himself upon Yugi in the middle of the street but I can't touch him without being screamed at? The lack of logic in this circumstance is astounding.
   "How was your trip to America?" Yugi asks with the brightest smile I've ever seen, leaning back his body far enough that he can see him without unhooking his arms from around him. "I didn't even know you were back in town."
   "Well surprise..." Joey says with a wolfish grin. "I wanted to surprise you on your birthday. From the looks of things it looked like it worked." Yugi just laughs as he pulls Joey into one more hug. The mere sight of this action makes my blood boil. "The trip was fantastic Yugi. Man, next time I'll just have to take you with me."
   "Promise?" Yugi squeals with excitement. My eye twitches at the sound of it.
   "Absolutely." Joey grins from ear to ear. "What are best friends for?"
   "Making small weaklings very happy." Yugi chuckles.
   "Hey! You're no weakling." Joey says seriously, pulling back from Yugi suddenly. "No matter what someone says always know that you are not a weakling."
   "Thanks Joey." Yugi says with a small smile.
   "No problem, let's go get a burger." Joey says with an obnoxious goofy smile. "I've seriously missed Burger World."
   "Then what are we waiting for?" Yugi chirps in enthusiastically. My eyes narrow dangerously as I follow their movements. What is this insanity? This blonde Buffon  shows up and suddenly Yugi is all cheer and understanding...and worst of all grateful. He's showing gratitude to the wrong person! I shove my boot clad foot out in front of Joey and watch with sadistic glee as he falls onto the pavement.
   "Joey are you ok?" Yugi asks concernedly as he drops to his knees beside him. Amethyst eyes glance in my direction accusingly for a brief second before returning to Joey.
   "Yeah I must have tripped over something."  Joey groans as he rises back up to his feet. Or someone, if we are to be more accurate. "I'm fine, yug. Don't worry." He pushes himself up onto his knees and I quickly side sweep his hands out from under him. His face slams into the pavement and the familiar crunch of bone sounds in my ears sending shivers down my spine.
   "Oh my god Joey!" Yugi screams as his small pale hands become splattered with large crimson drops of blood. "Are you alright?!"
   "Yeah I'm fine Yugi." Joey grumbles as he cups the middle of his face with his palm. Rivers of blood spill past the cracks of his fingers, dripping down onto the pavement. "Don't worry about me."
   "Is your nose broken?!" Yugi asks in a panic, his hands trembling as he remains frozen in place. It almost looks as if he doesn't know how to react to the situation at hand. "I'm so sorry Joey!"
   "It's fine yug!" Joey groans over Yugi's protests. "I'm just going to have Kaiba look at it. He has some of the best doctors in the country also I just kind of want to annoy him." Joey remarks with a grin that seems out of place for this situation. The simply act of trying to soothe Yugi only makes my blood boil over. The heat of my blood is scorching me from the inside out. It almost feels as if my heart is pumping pure lava through my veins.
   "Are you sure?"
   "Yeah yug." He grins as he rises to his feet slowly. "Kaiba and I have actually gotten to be really close while I was away. Me just showing up really shouldn't surprise him at this point."
   "I'm so sorry Joey."
   "Don't worry about." He runs his fingers through Yugi's hair roughly, ruffling the spiky locks. "I'll see you later."
   "Yeah..." Yugi murmurs sadly as he watches his friend depart. As soon as Joey is out of sight that's when Yugi starts to move. His face blank and impassive as he walks into a dark alley and looks directly at me. "What the hell were you thinking?"
   "I don't know what you mean." I answer smoothly. Yugi glares daggers at me as I recline my lithe form against the rough brick. The cool material seeming to seep through the fabric of my grey shirt and black jacket. "I was a silent bystander, as you wished for me to be."
   "You could have seriously hurt him!" The dark fabric of the jacket rustles as I cross my arms. Yugi flinches at the sound. "I don't...understand why you did that."
   That was the final straw for me. My anger boiled over into absolute blind rage. Red tints the corners of my vision as I roughly grab Yugi and slam him against the brick. Wide amethyst eyes stare up at me with fear.
   "You don't understand?" I seethe, the words barely making it through my clenched teeth. "Then perhaps you should open your eyes!"
   "Why...Why are you so angry?"
   "Because I am forced to being connected to the most ungrateful human being on this earth!" I shout on the top of my lungs, the sheer volume making Yugi clench his eyes shut tight in pain. "You had a problem, I solved it!" I roughly press his back against the brick in emphasis. "You never so much as thanked me for what I've done for you, but you treated him like ..."
   Two amethyst eyes peer up at me with wide eyed surprise. His innocent expression almost making me feel guilty, but is quickly washed away by the intensity of my anger and hurt.
   "Yami I-"
    "You treated him like he was your hero." I spit. "He was the one who saved you from Ushio! He was the one who made the deal to make Ushio leave you alone for good! That he was there but I wasn't!" My breath comes in ragged gasps as my grip suddenly goes slack. Yugi looks up at me with a shocked expression.
   "I never meant to-"
   "Forget it." I spit harshly. "Just forget it." Yugi drops his gaze and slowly begins to walk home. Neither one of us makes an effort to speak to the others. Even if we did try, what could possibly be said to make this situation any less horrible?

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