Chapter 7

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   "Hello Yugi." A tall brute sneers down at Yugi, his eyes glazing over with a lust for pain. The mere sight of his expression disgusts me. I can feel Yugi's entire form begin to tremble as he is forced to look up at this boy due to his short stature.
   "H-h-hello..." He is able to choke out through a quickly constricting throat. Yugi's eyes glance over at me for a fraction of a second, silently questioning me on what his next step should be. I remain absolutely silent.
   "So good to see you again." The brute called Ushio growls as he grabs Yugi's shirt collar making him yelp in fear. "I honestly love seeing you." He lifts him off of the ground leaving his feet to dangle a good foot or so from the floor. "You're always so submissive."
   "Please don't hurt me." Yugi whispers as his hands grip onto the large, meaty fist of Ushio. "I wanted to talk to you."
   "I don't do talking." He shakes Yugi viciously. "Our arrangement only works if we stay within our designated roles. Master and slave."
   "Are you his slave Yugi?" I murmur into his ear, conjoling him to speak. The boy starts and shakes his head slightly. "Then speak." I hiss. "Reject the position he has forced upon you."
   "I... I am no ones slave."
   "Funny," Ushio laughs humorlessly. "I don't recall slavery being a job where people volunteered."
   "Let go of me." Yugi whimpers, his bottom lip trembling. I bite the insides of my lips harshly to hold back the aggravated sigh that is threatening to slip by. This boy really has no idea how to stand up for himself. How has he even survived this long?!
   "No." Ushio hisses.
   I wince in sympathy as Ushio slaps Yugi harshly across the face. The sound echoes and carries throughout the hall and everyone lowers their eyes and pretends to simply not see. How disgusting. Before Yugi even hits the ground everyone rushes out of the hall and into the outside world, escaping the sight of the brutal beating that is sure to take place.
   "You're a dog Yugi." Ushio sneers as he kicks Yugi in the chest, knocking all of the oxygen out of his lungs. "Explains why you are always alone. You will always be alone. You will die just like a stray dog."
   " don't know that." Yugi whispers, silver tears streaming down his cheeks. "You can't possible know that."
   "The look on your face is proof enough." He smirks. A large black boot slams into Yugi's chest one more time making him shriek in pain. I've had enough. I kneel down beside Yugi and look into his pain filled eyes. He stares up into my eyes pitifully, he truly does look like a dog at the moment. A dog that has been kicked far too many times.
   Sympathy and pity for the boy floods my heart as I look at his nostalgic expression. I reach out to touch his shoulder and find that I am actually able to touch him. My fingers no longer pass through him. A soft, relieved sigh slips past his lips as Yugi's eyes drift shut.
   "Yugi?" I murmur as I shake his shoulder gently.
   "W-who the hell are you?" The giant brute stammers as he takes a few fearful steps back. "Where did you come from?" I blink in surprise as I stare down at my hands. They are no longer transparent. I am actually here, but now Yugi is the one to be transparent. What in the name of the gods is happening here? "Answer me!" I turn to look at Ushio coolly.
   "Be silent." His mouth quickly clamps shut as his body begins to tremble. "Not so brave now I see." He shakes his head no and tries to stare into my eyes defiantly but can't seem to keep eye contact with me. His eyes always dropping away from my blood red eyes. "How truly pitiful."
   "You're not Yugi." He chokes out.
   "Very good." I sneer. "You should be proud. You figured it out. I can only wonder what gave it away. Was it the height, the eye color or could it just be that you are scared shitless of me?"
   "Who are you?"
   "Now that," I murmur. "Is not important." My eyes flash maliciously as I stare into his eyes. "However I am in control of what will happen to you. That is important."
   "I'm sorry." He lowers his head in a sign of respect. "I never meant to anger you."
   "You are far past angering me." I hiss. "I'm pissed." He flinches at the sound of my words. I take a step forward and he falls on his back in a frantic attempt to scramble away from me.
   "I'm sorry!"
   "Don't lie to me." I hiss as I grab his shirt collar and bring his face dangerously close to mine. "You enjoy hurting others I can see it in your eyes. You love every second of it."
   I slap him harshly, halting his words at his lips. "Do not interrupt me." I hiss. He whimpers and remains silent. "Am I understood?" He mumbly nods his head. "Good." I purr. "Unfortunately for you, I am not as forgiving as Yugi." His eyes widen. "If I was, we wouldn't be in this situation. However k have a proposition for you."
   Ushio's eyes widen in surprise before narrowing suspiciously. "Don't be mistaken, I am going to hurt you." His body begins to tremble. "Seems that you don't like that idea, too bad I don't care. My deal is that you will leave Yugi alone and I will never harm you again, but if you so much as look at Yugi the wrong way I will make you wish you were never born." I bring my face close to his ear. "I will make sure that death comes slow." He trembles viciously and tears begins to flow. "Do we have a deal?"
   "Y-yes." He sobs.
   "Wonderful." I smirk as my fist connects with his face.

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