I covered my face with both my palms, sobbing like there was no tomorrow. I touched the necklace and grasped it tightly.

Was this it?
Was this the end of us?

"Yeo Jin?" Jieun called my name through the line. I ignored her and continued to cry.

My heart was aching so bad, so bad that even my head hurt. I still couldn't believe what I'd just seen seconds ago.

"Yeo Jin, relax. Breathe in and breathe out." Jieun told me again. My sobs could be clearly heard by Jieun since I was crying so loudly.

"..Do you want to go to the airport now?" she suddenly spoke. "There's still time, you know."

Hearing that, I immediately knelt onto the floor and grabbed my phone on the ground, placing it onto my ear.

"..P-please." I cried out. "I do. I want to." I didn't even have the will to scream or to even speak properly.

She hung up the call and I didn't know what to do with myself anymore. I weakly stood up and dialed in Sehun's number, hoping he would pick it up.

I waited, and waited.

'The number that you dialled is currently unavailable. Please try again later.'

I tried and tried again, but he never picked it up. I hung up and sighed to myself. My eyes were suddenly caught onto the desk, there was something on it.

I slowly walked towards the desk and I broke down once more when I saw what was there. It was a book, but it's not just any ordinary book. It was..

'Our Memory Book.'

I remembered that time when he first talked about the memory book in the train, when an old lady took a picture of us together.

"Kamsahamnida for the cute picture of us, we can glue this picture in our memory book. Right, sweetie?" Sehun said and looked at me.

Also the night.. when he first confessed to me.

"Then sleep," he said while facing each other.

I was about to shut my eyes when he said, "Wait!"

"What?" I asked. "You told me to sleep."

"Let's take a selca together and glue it into our memory book." he said, fishing his phone out of his pocket.

"We don't have any memory book, Sehun." I scoffed.

I, now, finally understood what he meant by the memory book after all these times. So, he'd planned about this before? Then why didn't he tell me? The thought of that broke my heart more.

I thought he was just talking nonsense.. so I really didn't think about it that much.

But now I couldn't believe he's leaving me with nothing at all, except for only this book, and this necklace of his around my neck.

I trailed my fingers on the book softly, and I closed my eyes. I still couldn't believe that he left, so suddenly. He left, without saying anything to me. No words of goodbyes, nothing at all.

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