His and Hers

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Maine, sorry, I can't be there on our monthsary. My Lolo's getting better but I just want to spend some more time with him. P.S. I missed you, Meng; the text said. I started smiling. "This Shokoy is really so sweet." I told myself.

"Hey, what are you smiling about? And are you talking to yourself again?" Kuya Wally asked while staring at me. I looked at him, smiled then showed him my phone. After reading, he, confused, looked at me and then touch my forehead using the back of his hand, seems like checking if I am sick. "Are you okay? Do you have a fever?" he asked.

I laughed at him and then leaned on his shoulder. "Kuya, I know I should be sad that he won't be there, but it's not like he doesn't want to. And I just love him taking the effort to tell me that he can't. At least I could prepare myself. Unlike last time when he went to Japan." And when I looked at Kuya, seemed surprised but happy at the same. He patted my head and left for his make-up. I read Richard's message again and started to send a reply.


Shokoy, thanks for letting me know. It's okay. J Stay with your Lolo but please send my regards to him and I'm praying for his fast recovery. P.S. I missed you, more, Tisoy. See you, soon. I didn't realized I was smiling from ear to ear upon reading Maine's text until Lolo patted my shoulder and asked, "That's Maine, right?" he teased.

I looked at Lolo and showed him Maine's text. Lolo smiled after reading the text and told me that he wants to meet Maine someday. That surprised me but promised Lolo that I'll bring her someday to meet him. Lolo yawned and I helped him be comfortable so he could sleep. While he's sleeping I sent a reply to Maine and started making phone calls.

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