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sirens, sirens reminding you of the time and place. your phone piercing your hearing and you rushed rummaging through the duvet sheets and pressed the one button to connect you with him. "my sunshine, good evening." he informed your smile visible and painting a story onto your cheeks of your dimples. "my moonlight, good morning." you noticed the soft remarks of a laugh through the other end and your skin tingled.

"how's my beautiful girl?" he questioned and sighed leaning against the frame of the bed. "it gets lonely, but im working it out." you closed your eyes as he took a breath as well and spoke. "i know, same here. even with all these idiotic boys." you giggled, vision still darkened.

"are you tired?" you asked you heard ruffling from the other end but he replied, "always will be until you're in my bed with me." you nodded, taking the note of his cheesiness.

"me too." you agreed, and silence filled the phone. yet it was so comfortable knowing his eyes were shut with yours relaxing at the presences of both of you. "harry come home." you whispered.

"i want to so bad, it's like our names. the sun and the moon only gets to each other for seconds at a time never touching and it feels like that, so distant and i hate it. but i want to." you stayed in your estate taking in his choice of wording.

"well my moonlight, maybe we can experience an eclipse and we'll be together soon." you said.

"just come home." you whispered again.

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