leaving pt. 2

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"it's time." he whispered, hands beginning to shake and lips quivering. 6 months, six months of never holding him, never touching, never adoring him. sure so many things can bring the two together but it would never be the same. "i hate this." you mumbled trying to hold back everything. "me too." he informed. your head was looking down and blinking rapidly pushing the emotions away.

"im going to miss you so much sunshine." you lightly laughed nodding, "not as much as me." you said and he shook his head, hands now holding your face and his thumbs caressing the skin.

"not possible babe, you just have to promise me one thing." you smiled wanting him to continue the request. "don't stop painting, keep writing, and always send me those pictures of the sunset you take." you agreed now chewing on your bottom lip, tears prickling down your cheeks and onto his fingers. he brought your body closer to him and you couldn't help but break down into his chest. you won't be able to do this anymore, the lingering scent of coffee gone and the feeling of affection gone.

"sunshine you're making this so hard." you heard him crook out and you tried to stop, nodding but how could you let your arms forget him? "im sorry, im just," you sighed wiping under your eyes. "scared, i don't want to, well i don't know how to do this again." he nodded you saw water run down his cheeks now and you brought himself down more shaking your head.

"but i love you so much, and ill be okay. i adore you love." he smiled as you embraced one another again, tears filling the shades of pink and lips. taking the last of its sensation, and you let go. "ill always be waiting." you whispered and he nodded finally walking away to join the rest of his friends. you noticed michael's bold waving and you grinned doing the same back and shouted to them.

"i love you all so damn much, fucking rock it!" they laughed and the whole airport turned toward you but all you could gaze at was his face and his hands making that signing symbol you always added to tap his nose, love.

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