2. The Bennett Bookstore

Start from the beginning

And like that, Klaus had rushed out of the restaurant, not wanting to waste another second chatting with the locals. He just wanted this all done with so that he could reunite Rebekah with her older brother, and his own younger brother, Kol. Then finally, The 4 of 5 original siblings could finally live as a family without any disruptions from the drama in Mystic Falls.

Klaus sat in the driver's seat of his barely used, black BMW, waiting for Rebekah to catch up with him. 

"Rebekah, must you keep me waiting? Don't you want Kol back?"

"Yes, of course I do, Nik. I'm sorry, I was just thanking the man which you rudely failed to do."

"We have much more of an important agenda ahead of us than sitting around, thanking every person that says a word to us. We need to find this witch before nightfall, because with any luck, now would be the only time to find her." Klaus explained, yet again, how important this was to his younger, blonde sister.

The two were soon on their way to Youree Drive to find the witch they'd been searching for the entire day. It was going on 7pm and they were hoping that it wasn't too late. Not that tracking her down would be much of a problem for two of the oldest vampires on the planet.

"What do you think Kol is going to do when we bring him back?" Rebekah glanced out the window, sounding advertent about her question.

"Well, for starters, I hope he's grateful for us going through all of the trouble to do this for him. Hopefully he won't try to kill us."

"Nik, why would Kol do that to us? Especially after this. He didn't want to die. We're giving him another chance to be here. He'll be grateful if I have anything to do with it."

Klaus laughed with actual feeling for the first time in a while. Just the thought that he'd done something to make Rebekah happy made him feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. It made him feel some self worth that he'd finally done something right with his family for a change. As long as Kol didn't actually try to kill off the rest of the Original family, it was safe to say that Klaus had put full trust in his plan to resurrect his fallen half-brother.

Eventually Rebekah and Klaus had arrived at the place they were looking for. An antique looking store that looked like a run-from-home business. A giant sign was displayed across the front, just above the door. Bennett Bookstore. Klaus smirked to himself and shook his head. He wondered why the sign didn't just say "Klaus, enter here." with an arrow pointing down at the front door. This was almost too easy. She was probably on vervain and had something spelled for emergency cases.

"Well, Nik?"

"What, Bekah?"

"Why are you just standing there? We finally found this witch you've been in such a hurry to find. Let's go in."

Klaus was preoccupied by the thought that this might actually be easy. She didn't know them, so maybe they wouldn't even have to threaten her. Maybe they could bargain something with her. She was a Bennett, so maybe Klaus could tell Jannis about Bonnie's tragic accident performing the same spell.

Walking through the small glass door, a little bell rang, letting Jannis know that someone had come in. The store was fairly small and just as antique in appearance on the inside as it was on the outside. Klaus was a man of literature so he spent a moment of his time going through some of the books on the shelves labelled under Modern History and Early European Mythology. He had read almost every book worth while over the past few decades, but he always accepted the challenge of finding a good book he hadn't picked up before.

Jannis appeared from the back room within minutes. She seemed surprised to see the two originals there. She didn't know who they were, but she had a hunch that she knew what they were there for. The fact that both Klaus and Rebekah's attention was directed to her the minute she stepped into the room told her that they knew who she was.

"Welcome to my bookstore, what brings you here at this hour of the night? I can sense you need my assistance."

"We heard you were a Bennett. The sign outside confirms that. You may be the only remaining Bennett, therefore you are of great importance to me." Klaus eyed the witch from a respective distance, not wanting to get too close in case she tried something on him.

"And what makes me so important?" Jannis glared at them both.

"There is a spell I need assistance with. Being a Bennett, you are the only witch I know of who can help me."

"What tells you that I practice?"

"The bookstore was definitely a deal breaker. Don't play games with me, I know a lot more than you think I do, witch."

"Okay, say I do dabble with a little bit of magic. Why should I help you?"

"Because if you don't, I can make sure that we are the last people you'll ever see. Now, if you help us, we can promise you protection and you have my word on that."

A sigh escaped the witch's throat. She had no idea what she was getting herself into. "Fine, what do you need me to do?"

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