Chapter Twenty One

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5 Years Later

"Macy, come here!" I shouted to the five year old running down the hallway away from me. She slowly stopped when she heard I was serious. She walked over to me, her little eyes were already pooling up. I sighed and got down on one knee and pointed to the wall.

"Did you do this?" I pointed to the Crayola mess on our walls.

Markers. Not crayons. Markers.

She looked down, her brown hair falling over her face, "Yes ma'am," she mumbled. I almost laughed at her use of "ma'am". Almost.

"Okay, do we color on the walls?" I asked her, giving her a pointed look. She shook her head.

"Well, you're gonna go to time out and I'll come get you when it's over," She plopped onto the couch with a huff while I walked to my bedroom. I flopped back on the bed.

"Ronnie!" I called out.

He came in a minute later, "Yeah?"

"Do I look old?" I asked with a frown.

He laughed, "No, why?" He countered with a smile.

I shrugged, "I just feel old," I said.

He was about to speak again when his phone rang. He said some "Uh huh"s and "Okay"s and eventually a "That's cool" before he hung up.

"Guess what?" he asked, grinning. I raised my eyebrows.

"We're going on tour again!" He announced.

I jumped up, "Can I please go on this one?" I asked. Falling in Reverse has been on plenty of tours, I just never got to go because Macy was always too young.

"Sure, Macy's old enough now, just as long as you make sure she behaves," He said, giving me a playful look.

I scoffed. My child? Behave?

I jumped off the bed and hugged him, "Thank you! Who are we touring with?" I asked. I was excited until his smile dropped and was replaced with an uncomfortable frown.

"Insomniac Outcast, Escape the Fate, and some band called The Natural Born Killers."

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