Announcements for August 2013

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Alright, I have a few announcements everyone~

1. Before the Dawn: A Warrior' Fatality is officially on hold. I've come to a standstill with that story, and I kinda know what I want to do, but not sure how to get there so....yeah. ^^; Sorry to those of you who are reading it, but I'll get back on track on it as soon as I can :D

2. I have an idea for a new reader insert, and I'm testing out how it would come out right now if I seriously wrote it. This story would mostly be for you otome fans! That's right, imagine a fanfiction with all of your badass otome boys as the choices? Epic? Maybe? Let me know ^^ I kinda already have a pretty epic plot down owo

3. I will be creating a blog-like thing soon. Many of you have asked me for reviews for some otome games, walkthroughs for them, etc, so, I'll be posting up what I can since I'm in the middle of a few at the moment. That, and I've also gotten some people asking for movie recommendations to watch when you're bored and since I have a handful of epic random Asian movies I've seen thanks to my cousin and YouTube, there will be that too owo Ah yes, and other stuff--all will be explained when it is posted.

4. School is starting week after next, and since I'm going to be in my senior year, I can't procrastinate to write even though I really want to o.e Therefore, updates will come randomly--just a heads up.

5. For anyone who has submitted an OC, I won't nesseccarily be putting you in the Turk department. Since I plan to use characters from FFVII:BC, I'll be trying to even things out between the other ShinRa areas like soldier, infantry, and laboratory personnel--hope you guys don't mind ^^;

That is all :D Any questions? :3

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