Announcements for June 2013

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Alright, I have a few things to announce to all my readers, so here were go!

       I.            ToF: Imperfect Imposter – Chapter 28

I know after reading Chapter 28 of Imperfect Imposter, there will be some of you who are confused about what happened because of my weird, and probably confusing descriptions/explanations. Therefore, with a little help from a friend of mine, we created a little overview that might answer some possible major questions.

1.      What’s up with the new characters?

The new characters in the series—Ichiro and Kazuma—are Zero’s family, his younger twin brother and uncle. Of course Kazuma Kiryu is a completely different person from the Yakuza series rather than someone from Vampire Knight, and why him? Well, you’ll see that later in the story. Additionally, like I have done with every other borrowed character, they will be different from wherever they were derived from.

2.      What happened at the festival?

Well, at the festival, there was a booth selling alcohol mixed with soda in glass soda bottles. [Name] had some of this at first not knowing but then knowing later, and still continuing to drink because of the excessive stress she has been under. It’s very cliché, I know, but teenagers have the hardest time to release the stress they have, don’t you agree? I’m not saying everyone should do this, but I’m trying to show how some people choose to cope with it. [Name] is not an alcoholic, this was more like a ‘caught up into the moment, I don’t care anymore I’m going to have fun tonight’ kind of thing. Anyway, she eventually had too much which led her to being drunk, and careless.

3.      What was the whole breakdown?

[Name] has, again, been stressed. She had this realization—which I didn’t really explain—when tripping off the stage. She suddenly got emotional, when sitting there in shock of falling, and how she looked at it was if she can’t beat Chiyoko at a simple game, how can she beat her in real life and get everyone’s memories back? This led her to being angry at herself, and therefore rushed off.

4.      [Name] is drunk but then not drunk?

This is kinda complicated to explain, so I’ll rephrase what my cousin told me. When a person is intoxicated, they act irrationally because their brain and body gets confused from the carbonation the alcohol provides. Therefore, they become overly emotional, and want to have a release of the feelings they have been suppressing. In addition, a person who is drunk can become sober through their feelings if something in their brain registers something important—similar to an epiphany—and their awareness returns rather quickly. Although it leaves the brain unsteady, it’s a branch of what can be classified as an adrenaline rush.

5.      [Name] wants to sing after falling off stage?

This is one of those things where you try to prove to yourself you can do it. At first, [Name] felt that if she couldn’t beat Chiyoko at a game, she couldn’t do it in anything else—remember my explanation of that? Well, taking that into mind, she’s trying to prove to herself that you can’t win on your first try. Try, try again!

    II.            The B.O.C Poll

I have come to the conclusion that some boys will no longer be choices. Some of them don’t have votes yet, but I feel they have potential because of hiding fangirls—those I will keep. Others who don’t have votes, and weren’t really major in events of the first book, will be removed though. They will no longer be boy choices, and therefore, will now be up for pairings with a girl character. I also forgot about them, and I take fault for that, but nobody asked for them either so… The boys removed are: Loz, Rude, Zidane, Irvine—who is planned to be paired with Selphie—and Saix. If nobody has any suggestions for them, I’ll be following the video games as best as I can. It has been updated, so make sure you vote for those who have zero!

 III.            The Pairings Poll

Like the B.O.C Poll, this has been updated. CloudxTifa is gone: I’m sorry, but his love on the B.O.C Poll was very powerful. Seriously, you guys REALLY like Cloud o.e Not that I blame you or anything ^^; Ahem… LeonxRinoa is gone for the same reasons, as is  CloudxAerith *cough* IcantbelieveIputthatinbecausethisisafreakingridiculouspairingIhate *cough*. The boys who have been removed from the B.O.C Poll have been added here, awaiting pairing, therefore I suggest you look it over and vote, as well as suggest on this poll please! And yes, if you see WasureteXWinnie the Pooh—it’s real.

 IV.            General

Lastly, I have a butt load of summer homework to do… Like seriously, I have no life even when I’m supposed to ;A; Therefore, just a heads up I won’t be online much. The next update probably won’t even come until a month from now either. But, as the Terminator and 2PM said,” I’ll be back!” :D

If there are any questions or objections to anything, please comment below :D

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