I handed the girl another healing potion.

"Here, drink this." She took the potion, staring at me. She than looked around the room, a confused and slightly scared look in her golden eyes. Her irises were sparkling gold, and were large, and very pretty. She had short, dark brown or black hair. She was wearing a black shirt with purple stripes on it, and plain blue jeans.

"W...whats going on?! Who are you people?!" She asked, sounding both scared, and ready to fight at the same time.

"I..I found you in the woods, unconscious, a stab wound in your side." Ty explained gently. "It's okay, we're not going to hurt you."

The girl looked at the potion I had given her, than drank it. The wound started to close, and her face grew less pale. She set the empty bottle down, and then looked at each of us. He eyes lingered for a moment when she looked at Sky and Ty, a slightly suspsious look in her eyes. She then turned to face me. Her eyes widened slightly, and then she looked at Husky.

"Were you the two who healed me?" She asked. We nodded. She gave us a small smile.

"Thank you. My name is Skyler. Who are you guys?" She asked.

"I'm...m Seto." I said, stuttering slightly. I mentally face palmed.

"I'm Husky, and this is Mitch and Jerome." Husky said, motioning at the other two. 

"I'm Ty, and this is Sky." Ty explained. "Over there is Ian, Bashur, and Tyler." He waved a hand at the last three, who were fooling with something in the corner.

"What are you guys doing?" Sky said, sighing.

Ian hid something behind his back.

"N...nothing." He said quickly.

I held out my hand, and a object flew out of Ian's hands and into mine. It was a loaf of bread.

"Really?!" Sky shouted. "You're EATING?!"

We stared at him in shock. He turned. 

"What?!"" He snapped.

"Why are you so angry? It isn't like y-" Jerome started to say, but stopped stunned.

"What's wrong?" Sky asked, smirking.

"Your....your eyes, there.....glowing..." I stammered.

"Oh, are they Seto?" He asked, advancing towards me. I backed away, before I hit the wall.

He grabbed me, pinning me to the wall, His hands closed around my throat, choking me. I tried to fire magic at him, but it wouldn't work. I was about to pass out. The edges of my vision clouded, and I passed out.

Jerome's POV

"SETO!" I yelled, jumping at Sky. Skyler beat me to it. She smashed into Sky, causing him to drop Seto. Seto collapsed to the ground in a heap, not moving.

I scrambled over to him.

Please don't be dead, please don't be dead...

He wasn't, thank god. Husky rushed over to Seto.

"Go help with Sky, I'll take care of him!" he insisted. I got up, turning around.

Skyler tried to punch Sky, but Sky vanished, reappearing behind her. He kicked her, and she smashed into the wall.

Since when could he TELEPORT?!

The wall exploded behind Sky, and another person entered the fight. Standing beside Sky was Jason, or WitherMU.

"What is WRONG WITH YOU TWO!?" Mitch screamed, pulling out his sword. "THIS ISN'T LIKE YOU! SNAP OUT OF IT!" 

They just laughed. Sky held out his hand. 

"Another one of you is like us." He said. "Come, be with us."

We backed away from them, scared. Behind us, Seto started to stir. 

"Fine." WitherMU said. "You asked for it."

I screamed in pain, collapsing to my knees. I felt like my body was on fire. A high pitched buzzing sound filled my ears. I screamed again, pressing my hands against me head. I curled up in a ball on the ground.

"JEROME!" Mitch yelled, running towards me. He hit an invisible barrier and bounced back. ANother wave of pain washed over me, causing another scream to be forced out of me. Tears ran down my face, and I shook violently.

"STOP IT!" Mitch screamed. WitherMu and Sky just laughed.

"Sky, STOP!" Ty finally yelled. His eyes filled with tears. "I'll do it, J...just stop..." The pain vanished. Mitch ran over to me, hugging me tightly.

Sky smiled.

"Good boy." He said, laughing. "Let's show them, shall we?"

Ty snarled at him, his eyes full full of anger. He slowly changed. The wings and tail of a Ender Dragon formed on Ty's back, and his eyes turned purple. His headphones glowed with a purple light, and black mist floated around his feet. We backed away from the three of them. Ty seemed to be in incredible pain.

"G...go...b..before...I..hurt you..." He gasped. He collapsed, the black mist spinning around him. "G..go...r..run..please..." Slowly, Ty got back up. The look in his eyes had changed. He was acting like the other two.

"W...who...you are not out friends. They wouldn't act like this." Tyler declared.

"No, were are not." WitherMU said. "I'm  WitherMU, a combination of your friend Jason and the Wither."

"I'm Enderlox, and combination of Ty and the Ender Dragon." said Ty.

Finally, Sky spoke.

 "I'm Skybrine, a combination of  Sky and Herobrine."  Skyler let out a gasp, backing away.

The three of them flew up into the air, then vanished.

"See you later!" Skybrine yelled.

I tried to stand up, but collapsed. 

"Jerome!" Mitch cried. I passed out quickly.

(Outdated) Deadly Trio ~ Skybrine, Enderlox, and WitherMUWhere stories live. Discover now