Kasey rolled her eyes "It's a subject you do next year but advanced classes do it early" she said

"How do you know" Olivia asked

"I do my homework" said Kasey with a smile

 "Shut up" said Olivia smiling at her.

 I didn't like Kasey. I had know her. I hadn't know her well and she had changed a lot. When I had seen her she had long blond hair and preppy clothes now she had purple hair and ripped tops and jeans. Kasey know Courtney. I had seen her picking on her. I tried to stop Courtney but I failed. Courtney spun me a web of lies that I believed told me they were bulling her and she was sticking up for her. One thing Courtney could do was lie.

 I still

 I still love her though. I know all the bad things Courtney did. I know really she was Cece but too me she would always be Courtney. Courtney had done so many bad things and I did wonder why I didn't hate her. I couldn't though. She was a good friend too me. She was always there for me. I always had with her. She brought me things too.

 I was jerked out my thoughts when the bell rung.  I had history first. My first advanced fighting lesson was just called Fighting.

 As I looked around at the students I felt like I was not going to excel in the class. A few of the people I know about. I saw Finn. Finn was one of the people half my year must of know. He had came top four times in a row of the whole year. He was also very talented at fighting. I had heard how he had got in early had been on what was called Early Training. The name speaks for it's self but he had been trained there since he was fourteen and had been training there for nine months before he could call him self a student at the school.

 Our teacher was brisk and went through what we were doing quickly. We had to work with someone.

"Do you want to work with me"

 I didn't think I would have anyone to work with so I was relived when someone asked me to work with her. She was very pretty with straight dark hair and pale skin.

"Sure" I said

"Your new right" she said

"Yes I just got moved up" she said

 I wanted to kick myself for saying that. She didn't seem to judge me.

"I'm Prue" she said "Nice to have someone to work with I normally work with my best friend who got in with me she's the one over there and she's working with the girl with red hair who's really thin she's my best friend but since we moved here she's been spending all her time with Cassia" she said

 I wasn't sure what to say. I mean she was clearly very bitter if you could say all this to someone she had never met. She must of seen my face because she smiled.

"Sorry" she said "Leah my ex best friend always used to say I go on sorry I'm just pissed and I sit with them like a loser" she said

"Oh well you could always sit with me" I said

 Prue smiled at me. "Really" she asked

"Yer" I said

"Thanks always know you were nicer than your friend" she said

 That's when I remember seeing her. Prue had been bleeding and someone was beating her up.

"Hay" I had yelled

 I had tried to drag her off but she was strong. I went full out then forcing her off. The girl had ran off.

"What do you mean" I said

"You were friends with Cece you know the one that missing weren't you" she said

"Yes" I said

"I never got a chance to say thanks for her stopping her beating me up anymore I mean I know I would be the one in trouble in I fought her and there were others but they left"

"That was Cece" I said

 She noticed my face.

"You didn't know it was her" she said

 I shook my head "No I mean I never thought she a bully I never saw her as horrible" I said

"Oh god I'm so sorry" said Prue

 Anger filled me "Come on" I said to Prue

"Our you sure" she asked me

"Yes" I said

 Prue was very good. I aimed a few punches and kicks which she blocked. I then did a punch that she couldn't block. It caused her to stumble back and I spun round slamming my body into hers. Then I flipped her over.

"Your good" said Prue getting over

 Prue was very good. The anger faded and left me with confusion and it made me after to work even harder to avoid being knocked to the ground. My muscles were soon aching and I was fighting hard. I always had bruises and cuts now because of the fighting classes but this class was something else. We were not aiming to hurt each other but we were working hard and I know I would end up with bruises.

"Your so good" I told Prue when we finished the class

"Thanks, your amazing" she said "Want to walk to class together

"Sure" she said

 I hadn't talked to Prue much but she was nice. Anyway I wanted to a friend in my classes. Prue was in all my fighting classes. It hadn't taken me long to realize Advanced Classes had the same people in there classes.

 Theory of fighting was not my favourite lesson. I couldn't stand the teacher. The teacher a short red haired woman clearly believed in Shield is more important than anything.

"Class" my fighting teacher had said "As we have a new pupil I will run over what I except sensible plain clothes and as possible Shield Agents you will be considered to put Shield above all else people  in my class I tell say goodbye to your old friend you should not have a life above shield because what if they our kidnaped or tortured" she said

 I thought the woman was way over the top. I mean we were a group of fifteen year olds training to be shield agents I mean come on.

"What's her deal" I asked Prue

"Her family was tortured for information afterwards she started teaching at the academy" she told us

"Oh" I said "Oh" 

 It made sense then. I felt sorry for her but my feelings soon changed. She started the lesson by talking about what we do.

"So" she asked us after she finished asking us what we did if some ugly guy attacked us

 A blond girl raised her hand.

"Yes" said the teacher

"Flying kick" she asked us 

"A man can grab you from behind" she said "You" she asked Cassia

"I could kick and punch" she said 

"I block it"

Prue raised her hand

"Yes" said the teacher

 I do a spin to distract him and a punch and kick before he has his head together" she said

"It would work if you were lucky" said the teacher

 My first day of advanced classes were hard. Prue squealed with delight before lunch and told me her old friend Alex had just started after having to miss the start and she would see me later.

 I was glad she didn't sit with us at lunch. I liked Prue but I liked just sitting with Olivia and Emma.

"How did it go" Olivia asked me as soon as I sit down for lunch

"I'm so tired" I said

 We spend lunch talking about class and the people. We acted like normal fifteen year olds. We were having fun and we didn't talk about A at all. It was actually really great.

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