She tried smiling genuinly but it wasnt easy she had messed up with the new directions but that hadnt been her intention God was a witness she wanted to tell them that day but how could she when she had been caught in the lie before she could spill it."Its great Sam Im Happy for you" He took a seat beside her "Hey whats going on you seem down" .She got up and began walking on a line across the choir room as she spoke "Have you ever really messed up for a good reason. I can be accurate and point out the fact I've always pride myself of been honest and I failed delivering this time yet my intentions were not to deceive I just met him and been as charming and intelectually stimulating out of the obvious talented voice he possessed I got swoon off my feet and he turned out to be an oponnent on my recent goal yet our mutual respect for each other will carry this through as a clean fight ." Of couse Rachel always spoke in a smart way but even Sam had leaned to understand parts of what she spoke "Ok Rach so let me translate you fell for a competitor on regionals?" She nodded in agreement while pressing her lips in a thin line.

"Your sure he's not playing you, If we learnned something during Glee club was the other guys tend to play Dirty Rach" She got to him with an angry look on her eyes as she crossed her arms across her chest "Hes not that type of guy Ok Sam , Blaine wouldnt do that to me" On that moment she realized she was acting as she had when the thing with Jesse had happened on her early years on the new directions "Sorry I got carried away but I do know he's not that type of guy, if he were he wouldnt have told me he coached the other glee club he would have been sneaky " Then it suddently hit her she needed to remind them , despite it all they were a Team and to win Regionals and Nationals been champions once more they would need to stop fighting with her and each other . "I think I got an idea Sam could you bback me up with music" He wasnt sure but agreed anyway.

As the new directions sat on the campus stairs discussing what to do , some were suggesting to quit, others spoke on Rachel's behalf pointing how everyone is capable of making mistakes and shouldnt be condem for them. A beat began to echo on the campus and then there she was on the top of the stairs approaching them as she sang and encouraged them to do so as well.

  ♪♪ We can't

We can't back down
We can't
We can't back down
We can't
We can't back down
We can't
We can't back down

Not right now
We can't back down
Not right now
We can't back down
We can't back down

Don't close your eyes
We're all in this together
Wherever we draw the line
We're not gonna straddle across it
Or lose it

We can't back down
There's too much at stake
This is serious
Don't walk away
We can't pretend it's not happening in our own backyard our own home plate
We've been called out
(We've been called out)
Do you hear your name?
I'm not confused
Let's win this thing
(Let's do it)
We can't back down
There's too much at stake
Don't walk away
Don't walk away, yeah

Don't get me wrong
I don't like confrontation
I'd rather we all just get along
Music should be undivided, united

(By this part the rest of the crew had joined singing with Rachel )

We can't back down
There's too much at stake
This is serious
Don't walk away
We can't pretend it's not happening
In our own backyard
Our own home plate
(No way)
We've been called out
(We've been called out)
Do you hear your name?
I'm not confused
Let's win this thing
(Let's do it)
We can't back down
There's too much at stake
Don't walk away
Don't walk away, yeah

Coaching Love / A glee Blainchel Sebtana Sebchel FanficWhere stories live. Discover now