Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Lara's dress up there


"Lara" heard a soft, melodic voice.

Where was I? I looked down at myself and I was wearing a beautiful white dress. My hair was let down. There was a glow in my skin. Is that glitter on my arms??

I turned around to spot where the voice was coming from. I was in a meadow with beautiful lavender flowers surrounding me. This was the perfect place. It was one of those places that you could only dream about being in. The sun was high up, blue skies and white clouds in the sky. Birds chirped above me. Butterflies surrounded my arms. Wow this place is magical.

I heard footsteps behind me.

I turned around.

It was my parents

"Mom?? DAD" I scream, with shock and joy. Was this real

"Lara, we are so proud of you" my mom said, extending her arms, allowing me to jump in her once soft embrace.

"Baby girl, we love you so much" my dad replied as he pulled us into one of his giant bear hugs.

I never wanted to leave.

I started to see them disappear.

"Wait for me!" I yelled as I started to run towards them.

"Don't worry, we will come find you soon"

"All will sort itself out soon." They both said so confidently as my vision started to fade.


My alarm rang so loud I fell on the floor with a loud thud.

"Morning floor"I said with a tired sigh. I was sad. It was just a dream. Tears were forming in my eyes and were about to fall when I wiped them off with my arm. Sometimes I feel like my parents are watching me and that brought my spirits back up again.

"Morning sunshine" someone said, chuckling behind me.

"ahhhhhhhhhhhhh " I screamed until I recognized who it was...Der. Did he see me cry?? When did he get here? I was pretty sure I locked the doors and windows and I didn't even hear him come in and open the door or his footsteps. Weird.

"What are you doing here?"I asked, rubbing my eyes, "How did you get in?"

"Just wanted to talk to you, but I guess watching you sleep like an angel is way better " I blushed and I bet my cheeks were as red as a lobster and hid my face in my hands. "and I saw your keys in the flower pot, which was so obvious, you need to change its location. There are a lot of bad guys in the world." Der replied, concerned and angry.

"Ugh, stop with the lecture already" This was a common thing between us. Der was so mature for his age, sometimes he behaves like a dad more than a friend. He had given me curfews before and was concerned about my cooking and wouldn't let me drive anywhere in case of an accident. He needed to be by my side if I wanted to do anything. But I liked it over protectiveness and concern. It made my heart glow. But I would never let him know that.

"You look so adorable when you blush," he said, which made me blush. He chuckled.

"What time is it"

"10:00" wow that was late for me. I was an early riser.

"By the way, what were you dreaming about? You started to cry and toss? Everything alright?" Der mentioned, holding my face in his hand.

"Yeah, it was just a weird dream. I saw my parents and it just felt so weird, but real at the same time. I never felt that way before. It was sort of like they were sending me a message or trying to communicate. Ugh, you must be thinking I am so weird but it felt real Der." I mention it to him, still thinking about the realistic dream.

"Wow, really." Der mentioned, thinking deeply, looking concerned. He looked like he believed me for some reason and started to ponder about it.

"Well I better be going if I want our first date to be perfect" he said, smiling suddenly changing the subject.

"Okay sure, Bye" I waved, grinning back so big. I wasn't going to admit it, but I was actually excited.

The next couple of hours passed pretty quickly by me doing my homework. I glanced at the clock and it was 6:00 ....ugh I looked down and so I was still in my pajamas.

I rushed to my closet and picked out a turquoise dress that goes to my thighs and picked some high heels and did my hair loose and put a little mascara and lipstick and pleased with the outcome I went down. Hopefully I was dressed to the occasion cause I wasn't sure if it was fancy or not, since Der said the date was a surprise. I saw a car pull up and I smiled and made my way downstairs. I was glad that he was on time. Tardiness was one of my pet peeves and I was glad Der was always on time or early. One of the things I like about him.

Der was waiting at the staircase " you look beautiful "he said, holding out his hand.

" Thanks, I hope I am not too overdressed? I look like I am about to go to homecoming. But this is what you get for not giving me any clue or dress code" I said blushing, grabbing onto his outreached hand.

"Come on, it is perfect for the occasion." he said and held my hand. After a few minutes of driving he led me to a secret garden. I was mesmerized by it. It was beside a water fountain and the blanket was spread out beautifully with a vase on top with my favorite flowers which are roses and there was food all sorted out and put out and all of the foods were my favorite.

"How in the world did you know all of my favorite foods and how did you find this place? I have lived here my whole life and I believe no one here including me knew that such a place existed" I said shocked. There was no one, but us here. I was impressed by Der's work.

"I have my sources," he says, smiling. He was so sweet.

"This is lovely, thank you" I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have met him.

"Anything for you "he said, with the warmest smile. He leaned in and I leaned in too which was surprising as well.

His lips were soft and I kissed him back, after a while we pulled back resting our foreheads on each other breathlessly. He looked at me with such affection. My heart grew 10 times bigger.

"You have no idea how long I waited to do that "he said and I smiled, shy.

We ate our food talking about embarrassing things and after we finished we headed back home.

"Thanks for the wonderful night I will always remember, " I said.

"It was my pleasure we should do this sometime more often"

"Yeah we should. Well I will see you tomorrow for our last day at school" I smiled and pecked him on the cheek. He looked at me with such love.

"Bye" we said in unison and we both laughed. But neither of us made a movement to leave. We just stared into each other's eyes. It felt like barely seconds, but it was almost 5 minutes since we just stared at each other.

"Okay, I will actually leave now. See you later." I said as I gave him a last hug.

"Bye my princess." He said softly as I closed the door behind me and I think I think I like him...or love him. Wait, do I love him? I knew I could not live without him. Does this mean love? Already? I wish my parents were here at times so I could have someone to talk to about these things.

Whatever, let us not think about it and go to bed, I thought. I said getting ready for bed. Lot of strange things have started to happen and I don't know whether to like that or not.

That night I dreamt of the perfect date I had and had the best night sleep ever.

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