And that answer was his lips on mine.

      This is so crazy; I seriously can not believe it. I stared up into his eyes, mine full of confusion and disbelief. Yeah I had wanted to rush through the dance just to kiss him again, but that does not mean he’s my weakness, cause he is so not.

      His smile grew softer, he lent forward and kissed my forehead “Sorry pumpkin, just thought I’d let you know. Now if we get through to the final audition we have a way to be absolutely….as Casey would say….” He mimicked almost perfectly “Fantabbietastic!”

      I had to smile now; he’s just to amazing to be true. Grabbing his hand I pulled him out of the closet with me, praying to God that no one saw us.

      Thanking the lord in heaven that no one did Joe and I walked together hand in hand out of the school. Smiling to myself I said to him “You’re mistaken though.”

      Joe mumbled a quick response of “What might that be?” So to answer his question I laughed softly and skipped around to face him.

      “It’s not if we get in…” I winked at him “It’s when we get in.” He smiled at me, and I smiled right back.

      2 hours. 2 hours was the amount of sleep that I had slept before my phone went off.

      You, you’re always there for me. When I need you most, day or night, you’re by my side…Protecting me- Sang my phone until I cut it off

      “Ello?” I mumbled sleepily into my phone, waiting for the person to speak so I would know who to kill next time I see them.

      “Hey babe! How are you?” Casey squealed, almost bursting my sleeping eardrum. Why the hell was she calling at- I cut off mid thought and turned to look at my clock.

      Seeing the time I nearly screamed down the phone, but I dialled it down to a hiss. “What the hell Case?! Its 1 o’clock” Casey just giggled at my words.

      It took all my strength not to hang up on her, she never calls this late unless it’s important. Sitting up on my bed I sighed “This better be important Case, or I am relinquishing our friendship.”

      She laughed again “Wow, big words from the Oxford Gal” I could almost hear her rolling those blue eyes; I literally wanted to punch her.

      After a moment of silence she final spoke up “Well you know that me and Jared are together and stuff?” Seriously, she’s being rhetorical now?

      I mmhm’d and so she continued “Yeah, well….he well, he…” Casey stumbled over her words; I began to pay more attention. Whatever she wanted to tell me was obviously important to her.

      “What is it Case?” I asked, rather concerned. What if something bad had happened…?

      I listened to her take a deep breath, and as I waited for her to speak, I did NOT expect her to burst into hysterical tears.

      “Casey? Casey, what happened? Are you OK? What’s going on?” My voice was completely panic stricken, but as I thought of so many reasons I over heard Casey mumbling into the phone.

      And what I heard nearly sent me into tears. Tears of laughter!

      “I….can’t…be-believe it….” Casey blubbered over and over again “J-J-Jared askey….me…to be his…Prom date…” My laughter continued as she burst into another round of tears.

      Gosh I wanted to hug her, it’s been so long since I’ve seen (or in this case heard) Casey get all emotional as something as lame as Prom.

      “Well congrats dude, have fun at the Prom.” My words were sincere, I was so glad that Casey had a date for Prom. Although it did make me a little jealous as I didn’t have a date for Prom.

      Casey stopped crying completely, I thought she was just over the crying bit…but it turns out that the only reason why she stopped was so she could yell at me down the phone.

      “What do you mean ‘have fun at the Prom’?” She yelled. Her anger was rather terrifying; it was fiercer than anything else. I was afraid to answer.

      “You’re obviously coming to Prom aren’t you, what are you not taking Joe as your-“Cutting off short her rampage of words, she sighed, obviously remembering that you can only take someone from your year as a date to Prom. “Stupid Prom School Rule.” Casey muttered, making her words sound like an official statement than just angry words.

      “Yeah,” I mumbled, sleep starting to take over again “So I don’t really see the point in Prom if I can’t go with Joe, would you go if you couldn’t go with Jared?”

      Casey surprised me a little when she said ‘yes’. Its weird. She use to tell me that a girl could never go to Prom with out a date because she is always the one targeted for drunken Prom sex.

      “I know that it’s going against my rules for Prom,” Is she a mind reader? “But you can’t let it stop you for going to Prom, you never know, you might actually have fun with out Joe to play tonsil tennis with.”

      She obviously had been waiting to say that for a long time, the smirk and wink were all over her voice. I would have respectfully rejected her request if she hadn’t whispered afterwards “Please go with me, it won’t be the same with out you…”

      I sighed dramatically, putting it on to reassure Casey, and answered “OK, I’ll go to Prom with you.” Hyping up my Casey attitude I continued with a “Seriously girl, you need to stop emailing me, phoning me, coming to my house and sending me letters. If I go to Prom with you you’ve got to stop stalking me, OK?”

      We laughed together; the sound of our laughter was warming. Right now I wouldn’t have minded talking to Casey until the sun started to shine through my windows, but as if by magic, we yawned simultaneously.

      “I guess that’s a sign that we need to go to bed” Casey giggled, yawning again.

      Laughing too, I agreed.

      I was about to hang up  when I suddenly realized something VERY important. “Case I can’t go to Prom!” She whimpered, and complained.

      Cutting her off mid-complaint I cried “I can’t go to Prom because I don’t have anything to wear! Let alone any transport to get there.” This time I whimpered because I had been rather excited to go.

      So I was very confused when Casey started laughing rather evilly on the other side of the phone.

      “Casey…” I said wary “What have you done?” My curiosity was getting the better of me, but when she laughed again that curiosity was switched with a sudden livid anger.

      “If you don’t tell me what you’re doing so help me I will hit you so hard that Jared won’t be bale to give you children!” I replayed those words over in my head, and burst into laughter. I’m so bad at being bad.

      Casey laughed too, and just replied “Well… if I can’t have children doesn’t mean I can’t have a whole bunch of fun.” We both laughed.

      “Seriously Ang don’t worry, just be at my house at around twelve tomorrow and everything will be fine.” She was defiantly smiling her face off “I’ll see you then, have an awesome angel dream.”

      Hanging up, I lay my head back down on the pillow and fell into a strangely dreamless sleep, wondering what Casey-best-friend-in-the-whole-fricking-world had in store for me.

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