Chapter 35

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Chapter 35


      We followed the Irish accent woman up the grand staircase, I could feel my heart pounding a hundred beats per minute, it was like my heart wanted to break free from the place were it sat.

      The only thing that kept me here was the strong arm that hung around my waist, never urging to let go, and always there to hold me tight.

      “So it seems the two of you are the only paired performers from Birmingham, well good luck to you both” She sounded very sincere, but I wasn’t able to answer with actual words, so instead I mmhm’d.

       Reaching the top of the staircase we turned right and continued down a long corridor, lots of students passed us by as well as us passing by classes with students inside of them.

      The woman in front of us stopped, and so did we. She turned to face us, her dark blue eyes worn and tired and her greying hair was falling from its bun, and smiled at us both.

      “This is where I leave you, knock on this door twice and then wait until someone comes to open it. They won’t open the door for ten or fifteen minutes to give you time to conquer your nerves. Once again, good luck to you both.” She said, smiling again.

      Leaving us stood by the door, I began to hyperventilate. I was lucky Joe was there otherwise I’d never have knocked on the door.

      Rat-a-tat was what echoed around the now deserted corridor. In my head I started to count to 600, waiting for the door to open.

      Joe slowly and softly drew circles on the base of my hip, almost calming me completely. Something was still bothering me, and it had nothing to do with the audition. Well it did, but it didn’t as well….

      I leant my head on his shoulder, my eyes closed tightly (I was still mentally counting to 600), and asked him “Joe….you know that Claire thing?”

      He didn’t answer; he must have thought it was a rhetorical question. I continued “What are we going to do, because seriously, not any sensible idea comes to my mind at all.”

      He still said nothing; I guess he didn’t realize I was asking if he had any ideas. Clearing my throat a little I somewhat cautiously asked him “Do you have any ideas of what we could do?”

      His silence dragged on and on, sending me into a frenzy of rage. Pulling my head of his shoulder I spoke louder, looking away from him completely “I said, do you have any ideas?!”

      Only my voice echoed, he still said nothing. “Jophiel Livorarte!” I yelled, spinning my head quickly as I cried “do you have any-” my words cut off, sending an eerie echo through the corridors.

      My eyes wide with surprise as Joe’s lips moved against mine. His arms wrapped even more tightly around my waist, tugging me closer to his body. This felt so different to any other kiss we had ever had.

      Looping my arms around his neck my eyes slowly closed shut, finally falling into the sensation of this kiss. Allowing my lips to grasp tightly to his I let out a soft gasp/sigh of affection through my lips, making him chuckle a little. He pulled me a little closer to his body, and with the closeness we were at, he couldn’t help but nibble at my lip. This moment is the most intimate moment we have ever shared.

      His hands slowly moved from my waist, slowly travelling to my hips, pulling me closer than I thought possible. His lips smiled, he was defiantly glad at were his fingers lingered

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