Chapter 34: The Fight That Ends the Chaos

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[Jack's POV]

"I don't think so." Chase interrupted coldly, putting a bullet through his own father's head. It was as though time went in slow motion, seeing Caleb fall to the ground. His henchmen quickly drew their weapons, and Chase somehow dodged two of the bullets, but one managed to hit Chase in his shoulder, he yelled in pain, seeing the henchmen stand in awe of the situation. I jump towards Caleb's body, and grab the gun from his hand. I quickly shot one of the henchmen, and took cover by kicking over their table and using it as the cover. Wade noticed a knife lying on the ground, and quickly stabbed a guy in the neck. Mark was already helping chase, trying to stop the blood. Bob was assisting him, so it was me and Wade versus the couple of other henchmen. We both quickly nod at each other, and Wade threw his knife, nailing one of the two workers straight in the eye. The last guy, the largest one out of all of them, pointed his gun towards me while I was peeking up from the table. The bullet grazed my ear, scaring the shit out of me. Wade suddenly tackles the guy, as it turns into a struggle for the gun between them. I quickly got out from behind the table, and shot the last guy while he was on top of Wade. The man falls off of Wade, and we all stand there, breathless. We couldn't believe what just had happened.

"Ch-chase!" I yelled, running over to him. I look at Mark and Bob, who were continuing to bandage him with their clothing.
"Jack! Give me your shirt!" Mark yelled. I quickly started to take my shirt off, my face turning the tiniest tint of pink.
"Wade, call 9-1-1!" Bob ordered. Wade quickly reached into his pocket, and started to call an ambulance.

Chase was passed out, a pool of blood surrounding him. He was breathing, but his wound didn't seem to be in a great condition. Mark finally wraps my shirt around Chase's shoulder, along with his and Bob's, and pressed down to stop the blood. It appeared to work, seeing the blood cease to stain our clothes.

"I think he's going to be ok." Mark announced.
We all smiled, as we heard a groan coming from Chase.
"I... I really like this kid. A lot, Mark." Is all I could say to that moment. It was as though all of us were subtly being brought back to reality, bringing back our sanity Caleb had taken away. Not much words were needed at that moment; we all were just happy that it was over. We weren't going to congratulate each other after that; we knew we were all proud of one another. Each one of us did. That's how strong our bond was: we loved one another so much to the point that even in silence, we know what each of us are feeling at a particular moment such as this.

Mark stared at Chase, Chase's light breathing making him smile. Mark started to slightly stroke Chase's head, planting a weak smile onto his lips.
"I like him too, Jack. I like him too."

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