Chapter 29: Poison

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[Jack's POV]

I walked inside, and noticed the tiny bottle  laying on the table placed in the center of the room. I sat down, and read the note placed beside the bottle.

Mark is in the next room. When you drink this poison, the door will open, and it will give you three minutes to say your goodbyes. We appreciate your effort and work in this social experiment.

That's all I was to them? A social experiment? Someone they could toy with, just so they could perform a test? I was outraged, needless to say. How was I just a test subject to them? Was I the only one, or did they do this to numerous people? That, I didn't know.

I then thought of Mark. He needed me now more than ever before. At least my final moments will be of Mark, and me finally getting to save him from all of this. That's all I live for now.

I then heard yelling in the next room. It took me a moment to figure out who's yelling it was. After a few moments, I knew it was Mark. I smiled a tiny bit, knowing it was actually him, although he was probably trying to tell me not to drink the poison.

I then remembered all the good times I had with him. How he made me laugh every day, how he always planted a smile on my face. How he made me feel good, even if I was having a bad day. How he was the world to me. And even if I'm losing him, and even if he's losing me, I know we will be reunited somehow. All I know is that at least he'll be safe. At least he will live.

It is all going to end for me in the matter of minutes. But you know what? I don't care anymore. I hope the majority of people would do the same thing as me. I guess I'll never know. I won't know many things once I die. I won't know if Chase will be ok. I won't know what Mark will do after all of this. I won't know how my fans will react to all of this. But at least I'll know I will die a hero. At least in Mark's eyes.

I pick up the poison, and lift it up to my mouth, but I hesitated to drink it. It's not the easiest thing to know that you are killing yourself. I hear Mark yell even louder, and I assured him that everything is going to be ok.
"It's ok Mark. It'll all be over soon."

I lifted up the bottle, and drank the whole thing. The poison had the oddest taste, making me gag the tiniest bit when I finished it. I ran into the next room, to finally save Mark.

<><>author note<><>
Hey y'all, for the next few chapters, please give me some feed back! I would love to see your initial reactions when reading these next few chapters. Love you guys!

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