Chapter 10: When Will it End

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[Jack's POV]

I gave a loud sigh of disgust, as I loud sigh as I realized what the next room was: insects.

I had never seen that amount of insects in the span of my entire lifetime. The room was covered with spiders, worms, mosquitos, the worst types of insects in my opinion. I winced, knowing I would be covered in bugs the moment I would step in the door. Soon after, I wrack up the courage, and ran into the room.

Immediately the bugs went crazy. The mosquitos started to swarm more rapidly, and the spiders didn't seem to enjoy my company.
I clenched my fists, and held my breath, although it wasn't helping.

I waited there for what seemed to be an eternity. The door unlocked, and I quickly burst through the door. I panicked, feeling the large amount of spiders crawling on the back of my shirt. I quickly took it off, throwing it in the corner of the hallway I was in.

The hallway seemed to go on forever. The hall was lit by candles, and I wasn't going to takes my chances with the mosquitos. I ran as fast as I could. As I ran, I noticed the candles would randomly go out behind me, making me run even faster, as I soon saw the door to the next room. I sprinted, but was startled by what seemed to be an electronically made noise, that was meant to scare the shit out of me, which it did a pretty damn good job of doing. I jumped from the noise, breaking the door and painfully falling into the next room. The room was the worst room I could've ever imagined.

The dolls in the room surrounded me, and it didn't help the dolls were creepily almost lifelike. They were all facing with me, all of them having smiles planted on their faces. I noticed a chandelier dangling right above my head, close enough to reach. I subtly started to pick up the dolls, placing them all in the same corner. I continued to do that, until a doll straight up blinked at me. I threw it against the wall. The other dolls didn't seem to like my decision, for all of them picked themselves up, and started to move towards me.

I grabbed the chandelier above me, and started to use my body to swing back and forth. The dolls attempted to grab my ankles, and I screamed out of fear. Moments later, I heard the unlocking sound I needed, and used the momentum I had picked up to swing myself into the next room. I slammed the door behind me, and began to gasp for air.

I then looked in the room. There were no monsters, no insects, and no dolls. It seemed as though I completed my task. I was going to see Mark again. I picked up the note taped to the wall, and read it.

Congrats on completing your first mission. You have proved that you could put your own fears aside to save the one you love.

Now, are you willing to break the law for the one you love?

6003 Donkeyskin Lane

"Son of a BITCH!" I yelled, punching the walls, kicking them, and letting all my anger out. I calmed down soon after, and exited the room through the door the note was on. I darted to the car, exhausted, but determined to find Mark.

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