I never miss, I thought to myself as I glanced at the blade before meeting the green eyes of the cat's.

As if answering, his long tail flickered and wrapped itself around my knife, as he tilted his head to the side and purred aloud.

Hesitantly, I approached him, not sure if he would run from a sudden advance. He made no movement except for another flicker of his tail as he observed me with an unnerving intensity.

When I had moved near it, I slowly crouch down to sit on the floor, doing my best to ignore the eruption of pain from my wound. Finally sitting down on the floor with my back leaning on the side of the kitchen counter, I lifted a hand up to pet his head. Before I could pet him, I stopped to let my hand hover over his head, but he did not bite nor hiss and instead bowed his head in approval. My hand slid over the cat's soft fur as he moved his head slightly to the side for a better angle.

"What are you doing here, little one?" At the question, the cat looked up at me with intelligence.

"Where did my target and his protector went off to?" The question was more to myself than to the cat, though I was surprised to see him quickly stand up and bound off.

Feeling the unbearable effect of blood loss, I stayed still as I wished for the end to come. The only thing that came though was the cat who arrived with a piece of paper in his mouth.

I stared at him as he gazed up at me, with wide and intelligent eyes, and offered me the piece of paper. When I did not move to get it, he rubbed his head on my thigh before placing the paper on top of it and returning to his former lying position. Gazing at the paper in curiosity, I finally decided to read what the cat had brought to me.

Martha, I'm off to the other side of the city. I'm sure you have taken a good look in my house and know why so I need not to explain further.

PS: If you find Thomas (my cat) please bring him to my house. You know where it is.

-Allen Wane

"I suppose you're Thomas?" I looked down at the cat after reading. He stood up on his two back legs and waved his paws in the air, trying to catch something I couldn't see.

"I'll take that as a yes." I glanced back at the paper, disappointed that no address was found. I searched my brain for any houses at the side of the city I had read in his file. After a few seconds, a single place found its way into my mind and I smirked slyly.

Got it.

I glanced back at the cat when he scratched my hand. "What do you want?"

It meowed back at me and as if getting his message, I nodded. "Alright, I'll bring you to your owner."

But I don't promise any happy meeting...

Pocketing the letter, I gave the cat one last rub behind the ear and stood up from my position, grunting out in pain and almost falling over. I caught myself just in time and glanced at my stomach. Due to my movements, the wound opened up and was now starting to bleed again.

Guess I have to go back to the Society to get this checked. Groaning, I found my cloak and shrugged it on, making sure that the hood was covering my face, before making my way outside. Thomas followed after me without hesitation like we were well acquainted.

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