Chapter 30. (FINAL CHAPTER)

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Oh my god.

Luke wants me to marry him.

I couldn't help but try to keep the tears in but they just fell on they're own.

This boy loves me.

"Yes Luke. A million times yes!" I smile it out while crying unbearable tears.

Luke gets up from his proposal position as I jump up and wrap my arms around his neck.

He holds my lower back as he spins me around and I place a bunch of kisses on his lips.

The ring, oh my god the ring.

It was so beautiful.

It was square shaped with one diamond in the middle with various small ones surrounding it.

Luke puts me down, then slides the ring on my ring finger.

I'm getting married, to this boy right in front of me. The quirky noodle head that has had my heart from the start.

"I love you so much Jordan." He says tearing up.

Honestly I love it when Luke cries. It shows his sensitive side and that he actually has feelings.

"I love you so much Luke." I say grabbing him and pulling him towards me. I wrap my arms around him as he holds my waist and we just enjoy this moment together.

"So, I'm pretty proud to say that one day we can tell our kids the story of how I got my band mates in on helping me propose to you in a pizza parlor." He giggles.

"This is gonna be a pretty good story." I laugh along.

"Luke this ring is beautiful." I say as I couldn't stop staring at it.

"I'm glad you like it." He says kissing my cheek.

"I can't believe I get to marry you." He says digging his head into my neck.

"Me either." I giggle.

Months have past by.

It was June 1st.

My wedding day.

I look out the window to the sunny atmosphere outside.

All the chairs, decoration, and guests already arriving.

I can't believe this is it.

"Jordan you look so beautiful." Liz, My future mother in law says standing behind me with my mother.

I turn and smile, then look into the mirror in front of me.

I smooth my hand over my dress, which was white, strapless, and princess style with a beautiful top that had diamonds and sparkles making me stand out.

I was absolutely in love with everything.

I was marrying my best friend today.

"We should go down now, it's about to start." My sister Taylor says to me handing me a bouquet of red roses that match the wedding decorations consisting of red and white.

My sister and I ended things pretty bad last year, but I'm proud to say we are back to being closer than ever, and I love her just as much as before.

My mother places the white lace veil on top of my hair that was nicely bouncy and curled.

"I love you so much Jo, I can't believe you're getting married today." She says shedding a few tears. "But I wouldn't want you to marry anyone else. I know Luke will take care of you."

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