Chapter 13

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The next morning, I was in pain from the accident.

Luke was asleep, so I figured since he's done so much for me already, I would try to get my pain medicine myself without waking him.

I slowly lift myself off the couch, my legs were so sore and weak, I was trying not to fall.

I was almost to the kitchen until my legs finally gave out and I tripped myself.

Alarmed by the loud thud and shriek, Luke jumped up from his sleep and ran into the kitchen to find me on the floor.

"Jordan!!!" Luke yells while scooping me up bridal style.

"I-I didn't want to wake you up," I attempt to speak while taking small breaths between every word. "So I thought I would try and be independent."

I wrap my arms around his neck and lay my head on his heavy breathing chest. I could hear his heart beating louder than a drum.

"Jordan, don't ever think like that, I'm here to help you, I love you and if anything ever happened to you, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. Next time you need anything, get me, okay?" He says calming his voice. "I love you." He whispers in my ear.

"I love you too."

"Last night while you were sleeping I, well, here I'll show you myself."

Luke carries me up to my bedroom door, which I'm wondering why, because everything in there is packed up anyways, I don't even have my bed set up.

Luke twist open the knob, to open the door to a beautiful, decorated, and unpacked room.

My mouth is on the ground and I am in awe.

Luke had unpacked everything in my room, including building my bed, making it more comfy and cozy.

It was beautiful.

"L-Luke!" I say in awe while pressing my lips against his.

"You needed it to be unpacked sooner or later, and especially with your injuries, I wanted you to be more comfy." He says with a proud smile.

"Thank you so much Luke!" I yell excitedly. "I love you." I say kissing his cheek.

"I love you too."

Luke brings me over to my queen sized bed, with a fluffy grey bed spread, and blue and coral colored pillows, and lays me down, pulling the covers up to my chin.

I motion him to get into bed, so he gets under the covers and scoots me closer to him. He puts on the TV and we decide to watch movies all day.

He wraps his arms around my waist, closing the space between us. He kisses my neck and caresses my hand with his thumb.

"I'm so glad your mine again." He says kissing my forehead. "I was so lost without you."

The thought of the old letter on our 3 year anniversary comes to my mind. I lift my head up and point to my file box.

"Can you hand me that?" I say directing Luke.

He nods and hands me the box.

I pull out a large stack of letters and Luke's face brightens.

"You kept all of those?" He says shocked.

"They were the only thing I had left of you." I say staring at the letters.

Luke kisses me on the cheek.

"I'll be right back." He says walking out the room.

I hear the front door shut, and then soon opening again a few minutes later.

Luke comes back into the room with a large stack on letters, I instantly remember, those were the ones I wrote him.

"You kept those?"

"Don't know what I would do without them."

We stayed up for what seems like all night, reading each other's letters, brining back old memories, to the times that were good and we had each other and we were grateful we had each other again.

This guy really can make a girl fall in love over and over again.

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