Chapter 18

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Luke's POV

Whoever was trying to hurt my girl in anyway, was going to fucking deal with me. There's no way this asshole was getting away with it.

I text Calum and ask for the directions to the bar, right after getting a rental car, because making my way around here in cabs all day isn't going to work.

Calum described the prick, and it seemed like he stayed there all day. I'm taking a wild guess he's still there, since it was only noon when Jordan was there.

I pull into the lot of the bar and take a deep breath. After taking a few moments to come up with my game plan, I walk into the smoke filled/dirty bar, and scan the room for the man described by Calum.

There he is. By Calum's description, this has to be him. I can tell by the rose tattoo on his arm that Cal pointed out. I told the boys to meet me here incase I need backup.

I get a text from Ashton.

We are outside the bar, we're ready if anything happens.

Relief washes over me knowing I'm not here alone, the guy has quite a group with him.

I walk up to him and tap him roughly on the back.

"Erm, excuse me sir," I say sarcastically. "Have you seen any asians around here?"

"Actually I have, the fucker punched me in the jaw after causing a scene to save his little whore girlfriend."

I roll my head back and start laughing uncontrollably in a you-are-a-dumb-ass-hole-who-doesn't-get-the-memo-that-I'm-about-to-beat-your-ass type of way.

I let the anger fly out of me as I stop laughing and literally punch the smirk off his face.

"That little whore is my girlfriend." I spit on his face.

Suddenly I feel a grip on the collar of my jacket from behind me as I'm being ganged by this dudes friends. The man jerks me up, causing my shirt to choke me. I feel a sharp pain in my gut, coming to the realization the man just knocked the wind out of me by punching me in my stomach.

I hear the doors bust open, and I look over out of breath, still in the assholes grip, and spot Michael, Calum, and Ashton.

Michael comes and pulls the guy off of me and striking him straight in the nose. The man was bleeding like crazy, and Michael released him, causing him to collapse to the floor in pain.

The other guys don't bother even coming toward any of us at this point, realizing they have lost their battle.

I give one last strike at the man who tried to gang up on my Jordan. The anger inside me was boiling at the thought of Calum not being there at the right moment, and something happening to her. I would never forgive myself.

I hover over the man lying on the ground and whisper, "You might want to think it out before you try to gang up on an innocent girl, and calling a Kiwi person Asian." I say, spitting in his face.

I signal for the boys to follow behind me as I walk out of the bar. I never want to go there again.
Once we get back to the hotel, it's already dark out, and all I want to do is cuddle next to Jordan, never let her out of my sight, and tell her how much I love her.

I walk into the room spotting the beautiful girl sitting crossed legged in the center of the bed, picking nervously at her nails and looking at the TV every now and then.

Just the sight of her dissolved all my anger and softens me up a little, happy to be here with her.

She finally notices me in the doorway, leaning against it, watching her every move.

"Where have you been and what did you do?" She asks skeptic.

"I took care of everything, so don't worry about it." I say walking over to the bed and plopping down next to her.

She nods and looks down as I lift her chin, forcing her glossy blue-green eyes to look into mine.

Before I could, she leans in and crashes our lips together creating a sweet, passionate kiss.

I lean back against the pillow, and she swings herself up to lay her head on my chest. I wrap my hands tight around her waist, kissing her at the top of her head, letting her know I would never let anyone do her any harm.

I lift her shirt to reveal her stomach, tracing unknown shapes and patterns with my finger. I hear her stomach grumble and I lift up her face to mine.

"You didn't eat anything today?" I ask.

She shrugs and looks down.

"I didn't really get a chance to." She says shyly.

Guilt rushes over me, before I know it, I reach for my phone and call her favorite pizza place that happens to also be in Australia.

"Yes, one large with extra pepperoni and bacon, a large Caesar salad," I say, remembering her exact order from every time before. "Hm, breadsticks? Why not." I say as she giggles.

The glow in her face is beautiful, I love the way I can make that smile appear on her face and she can make me grin like a little kid.

Once the food arrives at the hotel, I pay and bring it back to the bed.

"Aren't we going to eat over there?" She waves her hand, signaling the table.

I laugh and shake my head. "I'm already too comfortable." I say spreading my arm out for her to come back and lay by me.

She playfully rolls her eyes as she climbs back into bed. The night went on perfect, eating and watching Netflix all night.

Every second with her doesn't get old.


Hey! Thanks for reading this chapter:) please go check out my friend gumdropcalpal she plays maddie in the story:) she's an amazing writer and I'm in love with her newest story. Love you guys and comment thoughts if you would like:) ♡

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