Chapter 2

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I fold the paper up and slip it into my purse. I was now done loading the truck so I was ready to go to my new apartment.

The apartment complex had many other people living in it, which actually made me feel pretty comfortable. I wouldn't be lonely and hopefully I would make some new friends.

I unlocked the door with my new key and the scent of freshly painted walls filled my nostrils.

I start bringing boxes up and down into my new home and take a rest here and there.

Knock knock Knock

That's weird.

I shuffle to the door and open it slowly before realizing who it was.

"Hi I'm Luke your new neighbo-" He freezes.

Luke hemmings.

We both freeze for a moment. I looked and I saw him looking down, obviously not knowing what to do or say.

But I didn't either.

He decided to break the silence.

"U-Uh, Hi Jordan" Luke says with a shy smile.

We haven't even spoken since the break-up, and thinking back to that day makes me cringe. We didn't end on the best note, after telling him I never wanted to speak to him again.

After hearing his words I froze, not knowing what to say back.

I look down to the ground, unaware that I'm nervously kicking my feet.

"Hey Luke" I say, trying to hide my embarrassment and nervousness.

The awkwardness between us two was so... Awkward. We both could tell we didn't know what to say. After everything has happened, it's like we're meeting for the first time as strangers.

But we aren't strangers. Luke is my ex boyfriend who I ran into, who happens to be my new neighbor, and who is awkwardly at my door.

"So, your new to this complex I see?" He says.

"Yea," I say with a shy and nervous smile. "I was actually just taking a break from unpacking"

I finally look up from the ground with my hand on the edge of the door, and meet his eyes.

Gosh, they are so beautiful. I think to myself. I immediately snap out of it once I hear Luke's voice again.

I notice him taking a glare into my apartment. There were boxes upon boxes, stacked on top of each other.

"I could help you with unpacking if you want?" He questions. "You seem like you could use some help."

"Thank you Luke, but you don't have t-" your say while instantly being interrupted.

"No, no. I insist. I know we ended on a bad note. We both know. If we're going to be living in an apartment complex as neighbors, we need to break this awkwardness. I still want things to be okay between us, Jordan."

"I mean, I guess it's okay, but please don't feel obligated to." I say back to him.

"Great, I'll come back tomorrow around 12 and we can grab lunch and fix up this place" He says with a noticeable smile.

That was one of the things I missed about him. His smile. The way he got nervous and bit his lip, and sometimes biting at his lip ring. And of course, the dimples.

God the dimples.

After exchanging goodbyes, and closing the door after him, I start feeling so many emotions.

I keep telling myself he doesn't deserve me back , but there's something deep inside me telling me that no matter what I try, or want to feel, I can never get over him. He was the first true love of my life. What was I supposed to?

It's not so easy throwing away all of the good memories. The way he kissed me, feeling the cold metal of his lip ring, the way his face used to light up by the sight of me, the way he smiled with those dimples, the cuddles, the "I love you's", everything.

I truly didn't want any of that to be gone.

But I know deep down, there's no way I could get used like that again. That feeling got to me, and tears instantly stream down my face just thinking about it. After realizing my damp face, I try and get my mind off of Luke.

But I just can't.

The fact that tomorrow, I'll be unpacking my stuff and getting lunch with Luke gets me so nervous. What if I say something wrong? I want it to go well.

Even if there's absolutely no chance of an "us" with Luke, he was still an overall amazing friend. You could tell the guy anything.

He always knew what to say, and how to make me feel better.

Before I know it, I'm dozing off on my couch, because I haven't gotten my bed unpacked yet.


The next morning, I hear the loud noise of my phone's alarm going off, in which I groan and hit snooze.

Right before I zone out back to sleep, the thought instantly hits me that Luke is coming over today.


I instantly jump up and grab my phone, checking the time.

It was 11:26. Luke was coming over in about a half an hour.

"Shit" was the only word coming to my head as I jump out my bed to go start getting ready.

I tiredly walk into my new bathroom, remembering I haven't even unpacked my toothbrush yet.

I walk into the living room, messing around and looking through boxes when I finally find the box filled with my toiletries, including my makeup, razor, toothbrush, and body and face wash.

I also find my box filled with clothes and pull out my dark skinny jeans, a white lace crop top, and my white hightop converse. I throw my hair into a loose bun, and try to hurry, yet concentrate on my makeup.

Before I know it, I hear a knock on the door.

Suddenly I felt my heart in my stomach, I don't know why I was so nervous.



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