Chapter 14

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The rest of the week seems to go by a routine:
1) Luke would wake me up with a cute breakfast every morning
2) He made sure I took my medicine
3) We would always cuddle for most of the day and watch movies

The same thing everyday, which I was okay with. Having myself in Luke's arms was like home to me. Something I was in desperate need for, for over a year.

By the end of the week I was starting to be able to help myself and getting back to my regular self.

Ashton called Luke and Taylor called me, telling us about their special trip planned for July 4th for all of the group to go to Australia.

Me and Luke were extremely excited, and we took them up of their offer.

It's already July, so Luke and I thought it would be best to start going shopping for items for the trip within a few days.

Luke was holding my hand the whole time.

It made me feel comforted, that he would claim me as his in public, he was always protective, in a good way, over me. It made me feel safe and secure to be with him.

We decided to go to Target, my favorite store, to get new bathing suits, sunglasses, sunscreen, Etc.

As I'm looking through some bikinis, Luke stands awkwardly not knowing what to do.

I instantly giggle and ask, "Which one catches your eye?"

Luke's eyes widen when he points to a strapless white string bikini, with gold jewels and push up support.

I give him a smirk and walk into the dressing room.

I change into the bikini and walk out to get Luke's opinion.

I was always insecure about my body, but Luke had always made me feel like the most beautiful, confident girl in the world.

His jaw was basically to the ground once I walk out and give a playful 360 spin.

"So what do you think?" I ask trying not to laugh.

"W-well I...I"

I start laughing hysterically and go change back to my normal clothes.

I peek out the curtain, "You know I was just messing with you right?" I say.

Luke nods and rolls his eyes playfully.

We finally complete the shopping trip and go back home and pack.

I do most of the packing of course, I'm much more organized than Luke.


Soon enough the day of the trip is here, and Luke and I take a cab to the airport to meet up with everyone else.

The plane trip to Aussie was so calm and relaxed. Luke was right by my side, and we were watching movies while sharing headphones on a portable movie player. My head was on his shoulder and my small hand was in his.

Once we were almost done landing, Luke and I were looking out the window spotting different locations, and even Luke's old house. Australia was truly beautiful.

Once we were finally landed, we decided to go visit the boys families.

We take a day train to the Hemmings residents with the rest of the group.

Once we arrive, Liz is in so much shock and happiness to see her son since he moved to America.

She was a little shocked to see me also, I guess he forgot to tell her we were back together.

Liz's eyes begin to water when she walks over to me with big opens arms. She hugs me tightly and whispers,

"I knew he couldn't go on without you."

I smile at her and hug her tightly. Sure she was very strict but she treated me like her own, and I'm glad things didn't end on a bad note between us too.

The rest of the boys mothers showed up, and the happiness and love in the room was such a cute sight, it shows the soft side of these "badass, punk boys".

Liz invites us to stay for dinner, and we gladly accepted her offer, I want Luke to spend as much time as he wants with his mom, I have no idea when the last time he saw her was.

It must be hard having your youngest son in a completely different country.

When Liz was finished cooking dinner, which consists of Roast beef, green beans, and mashed potatoes, I offered to help her set the table.

Once we were finished everyone got seated at the table and Luke stood up.

"What are you doing?" I whisper quietly.

"I'm making a toast" he says while smirking at me.

I playfully roll my eyes.

"This past week has been one of the best in a very long time," Luke says, looking down at me. "This beautiful woman right here, this... Forgiving, wise, and thoughtful woman," I instantly blush and look up and smile. "Has really made an impact on my life. We all know I'm not the same person I was a while back when you all knew me. But once this girl stepped foot in my life, it was totally reversed. Am I sure as hell am glad she did."

"Language!" Liz scolds playfully.

We all laugh uncontrollably.

"To love." Luke cheers. Everyone clinks their glasses and cups and repeats his words.

"To love."

Luke sits back down and kisses me on the cheek and places my hand in his.

Gosh I love this guy.


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