Chapter 4

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 I finally reached home, i burst through the door and locked it quickly behind me.

'Yeah right as if that tiny lock could stop him' Sky snorted.

I backed up against the wall and slid down, my hands found their way to my  hair 'i'm screwed' i thought. Sky started to whimper she was confused, she didn't understand, she didn't know whether to be happy about being accepted or be sad about what he said.

"Hey Sky did you talk to his wolf by any chance" i asked her hopefully.

"Yeah his names Rayne" Sky spoke softly.

"Has he got any idea what's going on then or why he accepted us".

"Rayne wanted to accept us anyway but Tristan didn't  so he's just as confused as us".

"Hmm, couldn't he read his thoughts like you do with mine" i asked confused.

"No Tristan has trust issues so him and his wolf are not that close, he blocks his thoughts from everyone"

This is freaking me out more, how can a future Alpha not trust his pack or more importantly his wolf, the pack won't have a future if this is how he is, 'omg why am i worrying about the pack in the future,i'm sure as hell not going to be here to see it crumble, i'm getting out if this pack hell even this state if i can'.

"How can you do that he's gonna be watching your every move from now on"

"Not every move i don't live with remember"

"Not yet anyway" Sky whispered.

"What was that", i asked but was met with silence.

I woke up to banging, my body started shaking a bit from fear, i looked around happy to find i was still in my house and still on the floor where i collapsed yesterday, i must of been both physically and emotionally exhausted to fall asleep in the most uncomfortable position. The banging started again 'where is it coming from' i went searching, turns out it was the front door 'hey don't laugh at me, i never get visitors, omega remember'. I stood by the door deciding whether to open it or not, i guess curiosity won, i opened the door but damn did i wish i didn't.

I tried to slam the door shut quickly but a hand and foot blocked it, i'm glad my parents chose a solid door because with two werewolves pushing from each end i'm surprised it didn't break in half. The pushing continued, me being the weaker werewolf didn't stand a chance, the door slam open and threw me across the hall into a wall.

Pain... pain was all i felt in every part of my body i couldn't move a inch without whimpering in agony, so it annoyed the hell out of me when he just stepped into MY home without invitation.

"Oh this is what you use to call home" he spoke out.

"What?... i was confused, "what do you mean use to, this is where i live, unless.... your here to reject me" i couldn't help the little bit of hope leaking into the end of my sentence.

"Uh no your not that lucky, now since your the mate of the future Alpha, you get to move up in the world and stay with me in the pack house" he said smugly.

"What the hell NO WAY" i screamed at him.

"Hell yes" he said smirking.

My body had stopped hurting now and i was able to move almost everything, as soon as he stopped talking he stepped aside to allow five of his friends and pack members in with boxes, i guess he's really not giving me a choice. He's got no chance if he thinks i'm going with him easily.

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