1. Coffee Bean

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"Thank god I found this place last night," I thought as I headed into the coffee shop down the street from my hotel to grab a coffee before heading off to the studio for my first ever wardrobe fitting. I had randomly decided to audition for this movie when the casting director was in Canada. He said I was different and had what he was looking for, so I got the part. I flew into LA last night. Boy was it weird seeing some dude standing there with my name on a piece of paper. While I'm here filming this movie I have a car service cause let's face it, I have no idea where anything this. I'm surprised I found this coffee shop while walking around last night. I ordered my coffee and waited patiently for it. They called my name and I grabbed my coffee. I pulled out the phone that had been left in my hotel room for me and was about to text someone back when I collided with someone.

"Oh my god I am so sorry," she said. I was still in shock from having hot coffee dumped down the front of me. I looked up at the strange woman who I had collided with and was even more shocked. I couldn't believe my eyes. Frances Bean Cobain was standing right in front of me. "Please let me get you another coffee. I feel terrible about this. I wasn't looking," she said as she headed towards the counter.

"Thanks. It wasn't all your fault though. I was looking at my phone," I responded.

"Well I'm still getting you another coffee to make up for it. I'm Frances but considering the look you had on your face when you looked up at me, you already knew that."

"I'm Brittany. It's nice to meet you Frances. Kinda an honor but still nice," I replied.

Frances then ordered a tea for herself and a coffee for me. We stood by the counter and waited.

"So what brings you to LA?" Frances asked me.

"I got a role in a movie. First wardrobe fitting is today. Was just heading there when our collision happened."

"Again I apologize for not looking where I was going. Here you go," she said as she handed me my second coffee. I reached out with my left hand and saw her look at my 1994 tattoo. "Do you have time to sit and talk abit?" she asked.

"I do but I should probably change before I head to the studio. Can't go in wearing coffee stained clothes," I giggled.

"This is true," she giggled. She grabbed a napkin and started writing on it. She handed it to me when she was done. "I know we just met but you seem kinda awesome. Call me when you're done at the studio. I can take you sight seeing or we can just hang out. Plus I got a party to go to tonight and I think you should come. Met some people here so your not alone and going crazy," she said as we walked outside together.

"I'm down for anything. I'll call you when I get back to my hotel later," I said.

"Sounds great. See ya," she waved as she walked down the street the other way.

Was this a dream or freaking reality? My first day in LA and I meet Frances Bean. I walked back to my hotel and went up to my room to change as quickly as I could because I realized the car service would be here in 5 minutes to take me to the studio.

Just as I finished changing my phone went off. It was the car service. Time to head to work. As I headed down to the car, I pulled out my phone and decided to tweet.

"@Brittle_Bear: Thanks @alka_seltzer666 for the coffee! It brightened my day :)"

I walked out to the car and just as I got in, I got a twitter notification.

"@alka_seltzer666: You're welcome! Can't wait to hang out later @Brittle_Bear"

Today could not get any better!

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