Chapter 36

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Niall laid on his back, staring at the ceiling in his bedroom. He missed this place, his home. Surrounded by family. He sighed happily and closed his eyes, relaxing in the warm duvet.

A slight knock at the window startled him and he sat up, looking over at it, his eyes wide and suddenly very awake. A figure loomed at the window, and Niall could see a man's fingers tap against the glass for the second time.

He leapt out of bed and over to the window, slowly pushing it open, ensuring the man didn't fall as the window opened outwards. The man leapt in, panting softly.


As Niall realised who it was, he fell into his body, crying softly into the brunette's chest. Liam's arms wrapped around him and held him tightly, gently rocking them side to side.

"Liam what are you doing here?" Niall sniffed and pulled his head from Liam's chest, looking up at his face.

"I had to see you Ni." Liam replied, resting their foreheads together.

"You can't be seen here, we'd both be in trouble we-"

"Shhhhh." Liam whispered, and cut him off with a soft kiss. Niall's eyes widened for moment before he relaxed into the touch, kissing back slowly.

And Niall missed this, the safety of Liam's touch; the warmth of his lips. They fell onto the bed, Niall on the mattress, pulling Liam's body closer.

They kissed for a while before Liam slowly pulled away, "Ni." He breathed heavily against the younger's lips, "Niall." Liam's voice was soft and gentle.

Niall sighed loudly, lifted his hand up onto Liam's cheek, running his thumb over Liam's lips gingerly, "I thought I'd never see you again Liam, I thought I'd be stuck with Zayn forever I-"

"Shhhh baby boy." Liam whispered, kissing Niall's cheeks where tears had started to fall. He slid of Niall's body and lied beside him, pulling the blonde into his arms from behind. "I'll protect you Ni. If he dares to hurt you again." Liam runs his fingers lightly over Niall's cheek and down his body. It tickled Niall but it relaxed him. "Sleep baby."

"Liam?" Niall asked sleepily.


"You'll have to go before the sun's up. Don't wake me, yeah?"

"Okay Nialler." Liam promised.

"Li?" Asked Niall after a few seconds.

"What now baby?" Liam asked but his voice was soft.

"I love you."

Niall felt Liam kiss his cheek, "I love you too."


"Niall what the heck?!"

Niall jerked awake and looked over to the door where his brother stood. Liam was still holding him, and he sat up, starting awake.

"You need to leave, now." Greg seethed, his voice quiet but Niall knew he was mad.

"Greg don't be angry." Niall begged, standing up from the bed, Liam doing the same.

Greg sighed, "Liam you need to go."

Liam nodded and turned to Niall, "Bye baby." He kissed his lips softly, "Love you."

"Love you too." Niall responded.

With that, Liam turned to the window, opened it and clambered out, climbing down the drain pipe like a spider.

"What were you thinking?!" Greg whisper yelled. Niall turned back to Greg with wide eyes.

"it wasn't planned, he just got here and-"

"What if mum or dad saw, think they'd keep this quiet?!"

"But you will?" Niall asked hopefully.

Regretfully, Greg nodded, "Stay away from him Niall. I know it's hard but you haven't a choice, I'm sorry."

Niall nodded, "I know."

Greg turned to leave,

"Wait!" Niall called.

Stopping in his steps, Greg turned back to face his younger brother,

"Don't let me go back to Zayn." He whimpered softly.

Greg sighed and pulled Niall into a hug, "I won't let him get you little bro." He whispered


ITS BEEN LIKE FOUR MONTHS BUT HEY AN UPDATE. Tbh I have no proper excuse but I've had friendship troubles, exam stress, and zero motivation to write niam atm.

Buuut, this story is almost finished, so I'm going to try my best to get this story finished soon.


I have a YouTube channel!!!! :) :)

It's Sophie Horayne so pleaaaasseee subscribe and watch my vids. They're just weird random vlogs but it would mean alot if you could watch them

Hopefully I'll update this soon,

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Love you all so so so so muchh!

Byee xx :)

Stockholm Syndrome (Niam Horayne AU) (BoyxBoy)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu