Chapter 14

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Niall and Liam looked at eachother in panic.

"A-are they going to take me away?" Niall asked. Liam didn't answer because they both knew what it was.

"Why don't you go and hide in the basement and I'll answer the door, yeah?" Liam suggested and climbed out from the bed.

They both padded down the stairs and Niall scurried off to the basement, while Liam brushed himself down. The knocking started up again, and Liam checked to make sure Niall was gone before opening the door.

Liam tried to keep a steady heart beat as he smiled at the two police officers. "Sorry I took a while getting the door, I've just woken up." Liam answered.

"You're Mr Payne, I pressume?" A kindly looking women with brown hair and green eyes asked. Beside her was a man in his late 20's with ginger hair and hazel eyes. Liam nodded, "I'm sergeant Jackon and this is Officer Brown. We have reason to believe a Niall Horan is being held here."

Liam acted as if he'd never heard the name before and looked puzzled, "Why'd he be here?"

Sergeant Jackson ignored the question and went on, "We need to search your house."

Liam knew he couldn't object and stood aside to let the police through. Brown heads upstairs while Jackson examined the lounge, then the kitchen. Liam knew she was about to open the door to the basement, where Niall would be.

Niall's heart was pounding like crazy as he stood in the corner of the room. He didn't want to be caught. He didn't want to leave. Not now anyway, not now Liam was loving him properly. He heard the door leading to the stairs of the basement squeal open and Niall whimpered. Please no. Let him wake up, get him out of this nightmare. He didn't want to leave. But it wasn't a nightmare and he could hear the footsteps on the stairs getting louder, and then the door was opening. A little at first then all the way.

A man and woman stood in their police uniforms. The woman had long brown hair, the man had ginger hair and looked a little older. Liam was behind them, and their eyes met, panic written in the look. A fear of letting each other go.

"Niall Horan?" The woman asked. Niall said nothing. They knew they were, right.

"Have you been kidnapped, Mr Horan?" The man asked. Niall still said nothing, and made no attempt to answer the obvious question. He stared at Liam, into his eyes, ones he will probably never see again.

The police turned to Liam, who's eyes widened as sergeant Jackson produced a pair of handcuffs.

"Liam Payne, I am arresting you on suspicion of Kidnapping, you do not have to say anything but it may harm your defense if you do not answer in question something you later rely in court anything you do say may be given in evidence." The police woman spoke as she put the handcuffs on Liam's wrists.

Tears began falling from Niall's eyes, but his throat was too dry to say anything. The man walked over to Niall.

"You all right son?" He asked. Liam looked around and saw Niall and his heart broke. He tried to walk towards him, but Jackson had a firm grip on his arms. Niall looked up at the police officer and croaked out a small "No."

"C-can I say goodbye?" He asked. The two policemen looked at eachother, reading each other's expressions, before giving a heasitant nod.

Niall ran up to Liam and threw his arms around the brunette's neck. The handcuffs prevented Liam from hugging Niall back, but he kissed the blondes cheek lovingly. "I love you." He whispered in Niall's ear so no one else could hear. Niall sniffed and replied with an "I love you too." Before the policeman pulled Niall away.

Sergeant Jackson took Liam up the stairs and Officer Brown placed a hand on Niall's shoulder and guided him out the house, just behind Liam. Niall kept his eyes fixated on Liam, his hands bound by the imprisoning metal and his head bowed slightly. Niall's eyes blurred and he blinked away his tears as they walked out of the front door of the house.

There were two police cars lined up outside and Liam was taken to one further back, and the Sergeant held Liam's head down as he climbed into the florescent yellow car.

The Officer took Niall to the car in front, and let him inside before shutting the door. Niall put on his seat belt and heard the driver's door slam as the man climbed in. Niall qucickly whiped the drops still on his face and looked behind as the engine started up.

He saw Liam in the back, passed the criss-cross metal that stood in the way. Their eyes met for one last time before Niall's poilce car began to move and Niall faced the front, staring at nothing but the blurry water blanketing his eyes.

And suddenly, everything that had happened over the past few weeks felt like a dream as Niall's eyes fluttered to a tired close and the car drove off.


Don't worry it isn't finished. this is like part 1 over and done with. So sad, please don't cry guys *hands you a tissue*

Thank you so much for reading this. I can't believe it has 8k!!!!!!!! and ALMOST 100 comments, so please comment and vote too!!

Love you all, you all mean the world to me. :D


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