34~ Special Date night

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Zoey's pov.

All the boys have been amazing these past days and I couldn't thank them enough. They hired a special worker who has dealt with cases like mine before and it only took him 8 days to get enough evidence to put him in jail. Turns out he had other offenses like drug use and some other mini stuff.

I thankfully didn't need to go to court which I was so glad about. It feels like my life has final settled down and been put into place. Every thing has been perfect so far. Kian and I have been going strong and we have been dating for 6 months today. It's been incredible.

We were going on our 6 month anniversary date. He didn't tell me where we were going but he did say it was somewhere fancy. I ran my eyes along all of my dresses scanning each one. After going through them I couldn't find a perfect one. I huffed and ran my hands through my hair.

I sat on the ground and looked at the bottom of my closet and saw all of my shoes, high heels and thongs/flipflops. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a large white box that I've never seen before. I crawled over to it and latched my hands around the side and brought it to my lap.

Curiously I opened the box and I instantly gasped at the sight. It was a beautiful white dress. I gently grabbed it like it was a master piece, I pull it up so I could see it all. It would probably stop around my thigh, it was only 1 strap which was silver. There was a curve of silver over the front and my whole back would have silver. The rest was white. It was gorgeous.

I squeled in joy and ran towards the shower so I could get ready. It was 6 o'clock now and Kian was going to pick me up at 7:30. He was getting ready at a mates house. His name was Dominic or Dom for short. I've met him before and he is halarious and good to have a drink with.

I quickly strip out of my Pj's that I was in all day because Kian and I just laid around in bed all day. I stepped into the shower and turned on the water. Once it was at the right temperature I got started. I started to follow some yoga aka shave my legs. Then I shaved everywhere else like my underarms.

I placed my head under the water and within a few seconds my hair was drenched. I quickly washed it with shampoo and conditioner and put some special hair stuff in my scalp. I washed my body with the white vanilla soap. I stood in there for 5 more minutes just day dreaming and pondering about how far I have come.

I have reached 3 million subscribers on YouTube and have been very successful lately but of course with a lot of hard work and support. I turned the taps off and grabbed a towel and dried myself off. I out my hair up in the towel so I could get dressed.

I went back out to my room and put on a white strapless bra with white lace underwear. I examined the breath taking dress and unzipped it from the back. I easily slid into it and I managed to zip it up myself. I straighten it up do it sat on my body shape perfectly.

I walked bare foot over to my shoes. I looked at all of my white heels and I narrowed it down to two. One was white stilettos while the other was heels ghat had no gab between them. I chose the one with no gap. After fiddling around with them I got them on my feet and was glad they still fit me.

I decided to not look in the mirror but to wait until I did my hair and make up. I had an hour. I started with my hair first.

~time skip~

After 40 minutes I had finally finished and used a lot of hairspray. I was pretty impressed with it. It was sort of my like a bun but starts from my wile head and goes up. There is two strands of my hair I let stay out and I curled them. Next, make up. I wasn't going to over do it so I just out a nice thin layer of foundation. next I did a light purple lipstick and black mascara and eyeliner.

I saw from my jewelery box a large bracelet which would match my dress perfectly. I grabbed it and put it on my wrist. It was 7:27, I had only a couple minutes. I walked over with my heels clacking on the wooden floor towards the full body length mirror.

I smile widely once I saw it, Kian is amazing at picking things!! I'll admit it without trying ti be stuck up I looked pretty good. (A/N pick up top)  I took at few selfies, I mean why not? Hair and make up on fleek, I got to! Then I heard the door bell ring. I grabbed my phone and placed it in my purse and walked downstairs.

I reached the door and swung it open. My eyes widen as I stare at Kian up and down. Holy crap this boy knows how to dress up!! He looked hot! We were both there checking each other out and being a pervert.

"You look flawless babe, I knew that dress would be perfect for you!" Kian said while he pulled me into a passionate kiss but it didn't last as long as I wanted it to. I replied with a thanks and complimented him as well. We walked to his car and got in. I knew something was up with Kian because he had a sly but nervous look in his face. 

What is he planning?

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