14~ the perfect date

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Zoey's pov.

I decided to catch a cab it was only a ten minute drive. After that I had 5 minutes to spare. My phone vibrated and i saw a text from Kian.

Heyy I know this is really cheesy but here is a riddle to get you one step closer to where I am.

You can lick me
You can add toppings
Put me in the sun I'll drip.
What am I?

Goodluck ;) xx.

I grin to myself. That is so cute. I actually love riddles and let's not even get me started on that winky face and kisses. I silently fangirled to myself.

I think to myself about what it was and then I get it, It's easy. ICE CREAM. I know that there is an ice cream truck just around the corner so I go to there. I'm actually craving icecream so I might as well buy myself some while I'm there. I get there and the guy sees me and smiles.

I go up to the guy and he hands me a Vanilla sprinkled ice cream. My favorite. There's a note attached to it. I smiled at the guy. Kian must have bought it already. Aww he is so bloody cute. I fall for this boy even more everyday. The note says...

hey that riddle was an easy one here is the next...

Slowly stretching my arms,I rise up, and move towards warmth. Bursting in colors,my sisters and I.What are we?

Hmmm this one is harder. I sit down while eating my ice cream. Oh the answers flowers. I think a bit more and remember there being a flower store right across the road.

I get up and I just finished my ice cream I walk over to the flower store to be greeted by a old lady at the store. She handed me some beautiful flowers with a note on it. She whispered in my ear "He's a keeper," I laugh at this and say thank you.

The flowers were honestly just gorgeous. The next note read...

I hope you like the flowers :) The next riddle is...

a man can walk over or under and if he is lucky there will be no troll

Enjoy ;) xx

The troll part gave it away. It was obviously a bridge. There is a bridge nearby. It crosses over a beautiful lake and then it's a nice forest. I start the short walk there.

It was now complete night time and the stars were so magical. I turned the corner and my breath was taken away as I saw the bridge.... and Kian.

There was bright pretty lights on the outlines of the bridge and you can see it reflecting on the water. The whole scene was perfect and i stared at it in awe. Until i saw Kian standing in the middle of the bridge in a tux.

He looked AMAZING and just perfect as usual. He was staring at me with a huge smile on his face. I ran across the bridge and wrapped my arms around Kians neck.

I held him tight in a hug and he hugged back. He smelt amazing and he flashed me his amazing smile. The lights made his eyes sparkle and I could see the light shining in his eyes.

"Why?" I ask simply. He grins and says that I would see. He grabs my hand and he leads me into the forest. There was a trail of lights and it just looked beautiful.

Not long there was a blanket laid out onto the soft grass with yummy food over it. I leaped with joy and ran over to it like a little kid. I started giggling at how spoilt I was. Kian sat down and I followed but sat so my dress was not showing anything.

There was chocolate strawberries, my favorite pizza, chips and just anything that was very yummy. We started talking about anything and everything. It was just perfect I wanted to just pause this moment and watch it over and over. The smile on Kians face never left his and it was the same with mine.

After having fun, eating and doing whatever Kian turned to face me and he started to look nervously at me. He bit his lip which I might add looked hot. "Zoey, the reason why I brought you here and did all of this was because I-i like you, a lot , actually I love you and I need you, you make me happy, I really want us to work but I don't blame you if you don't want to I mean there are other guys and your well.... your gorgeous." he said lovingly with lust, hope and happiness in his beautiful eyes.

Wait, I am trying to process what he just said. I was baffled he actually liked me back. I was gleaming with joy. "what I'm trying to say Zoey was will you be my girlfriend?" he said looked me in my eyes.

I feel like the happiest girl on the earth all of my concerns and problems were behind me and all I could think about was Kian. I nodded "Yes, yes a million times yassss," I say at the end imitating Ricky. He laughed and nothing could ruin this moment.

He grabbed something from his pocket and pulled out a small box. He handed it to me and I gave him a hug while whispering a thank you. He waited for me to open so that's what I did. Inside was a beautiful bracelet.

It was gorgeous. I put it on and I looked at it closely. It had K+Z on it. I loved it and he could tell. He grabbed my hand and helped me up and started walking me somewhere. "More surprises?" I ask. I feel so spoilt. This boy doesn't stop with making me feel loved.

We were at the top of this hill and a car was there. I looked at him confused. He dragged me to the back of the car. It was a ute so it had an open back. There was pillows,blankets, lights and in front was two poles and a projector.

He went into the front and grabbed a bag one for me and him. Inside was some of my comfy clothes. I grinned at him. I saw a small bathroom and Kian went into the men's and I went into the ladies.

I changed and I felt really comfortable. I love how he is doing all of this its just mind blowing. How did he think of all of this?

I walked out and see him already changed into comfy clothes. He helps me climb into the back and he put on a movie. He laid down next to me. It wasn't uncomfortable considering I've slept in the same bed with him before.

The movie was one of my favorite. It is called pitch perfect 2. I grin at him and he smiles back at me. I rest my head on his chest and he drapes his arm around me. I take in his amazing scent.

~After the movie.~

I was starting to get tired and Kian carried me bridal style and placed me in the car. He was outside for about a minute then hopped into the drivers seat and started driving home.

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