Chapter 1

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~Lukes pov~

I struggle to open my eyes, squinting at the small bits of sunlight shinning through our tour bus' windshield. Last night was a complete blur. After the show in Seattle, Calum and I had a few drinks on the bus, he can clearly handel his drinks better than me. He was already up and acting completely normal. I was laying in my bunk trying to be quiet, when an unplanned exasperated sigh escapes my lips.

"LUKE! YOU'RE AWAKE!!" Ashton yells at me from the bunk over and under from where I am. 

I flip over on my side facing away from him and cover my face with a pillow blocking out any light and I wish all the noise, my head is pounding.

Ashton grips my shoulder and starts to shake me enthusiasticly.

"You missed breakfast!" It feet as if Ashton is screaming in my ear.

I struggle to get a few words out through my pillow, "Ashton, leave me alone. I'm fucking tired"

He laughs extremely loud and works his hands around my side's trying to get me to turn and face him, "Wanna know what I had for breakfast!?"

I was hoping, Ashton didnt find out we where drinking and was torturing me accordingly. He still thinks of me as the baby of the band even though Im only a few months younger than Calum. Its because Ashton is the oldest, he feels like he has to protect us and lecture us when our parents aren't around even though hes probably the most immature.

"Luke up yet?" Calums voice didn't sound far away, but it was loud. Then again everything was loud at the moment. Ashton flicks my ear and I groan, turing over on my side to face the hallway.

'WAKEY WAKEY LUKEY!!" Calum screams while shaking my side. 

"CALUM STOP" I exclaim and push his hands off me. I sat up wrapping one arm around my knees, running the other hand through my hair.

"Good morning grumpy pants" Calum jokes and trys to pull himself up to sit next to me. 

"Why are you so god damn chipper" I ask him with a very weak voice as I reach for my phone.

He smiles cheekily and grabs my phone from my hand scrolling through my twitter timeline before I had the chance "You're uncool, I am cool, what did you think."  Cal tugs on my ankle trying to get my attention even though I was fully engaged in our conversation. I was silent,  I had one hand on my head and the other almost touching Calums hand.

I trace my eyes up to wear he's sitting, doing my best to not move my head "Calum?.." I say pretty quiet trying not to make any aches  any worse.

"Luuuuke" He doesn't look up from my phone, his eyes almost flicker to me but he looks down again.

"What happened last night? I don't know why I can't remember anything, its frustrating" I keep my eyes on him, staring him down till he looks up.

He eventually looks up at me but as soon as he makes eye contact he looks down to his feet, danging off my bunk hanging down into his own, swigging them slightly every once and a while "We just sat on the bus.. I know Michael and Ashton weren't here and it doesnt look like we tweeted or made any keeks or anything."

I groan and hit my head on my knees, hard. Calum looks at me a little nervous, he puts his hand on my back, trying his best to comfort.

"dont stress over it, I can guarantee we didn't committed a felony " He jokes in a soft voice, only now realizing my head did hurt.

I keep my head on my knees, my thorat was really sore but I could get a few words out without it being too panful "..I think im gonna be sick"

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