19. Let's Talk

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When morning came, I found myself naked with Frank's arms embracing me. I pulled his arms off of me (which woke him up) and put some clothes on. I threw my hair into a ponytail and did a simple makeup look.
"Morning beautiful," Frank said when I got out of the bathroom.
"Morning cutie," I said, walking over to the bed and kissing Frank on his cheek.
"You were amazing last night," he said.
"Oh stop. I don't even remember what I did,"
"Well it was amazing,"
"Maybe I should talk to Gerard. He deserves to know everything that's going on," I said.
"Um, I mean if it makes you feel better then yeah go for it but I don't know,"
"No I think I need to. Can you go get him? I just want to talk to him alone though. Not that I don't love you but I need to have a brother/ sister talk with him,"
"Sure. I'll get him for you," Frank brought Gerard in and left.
"Hey sis, what's up?" Gerard asked, sitting on the bed.
"Gerard this is really hard for me. You promise me you won't freak out?"
"I can't make any promises, you know how I get. Just, I'll try to stay as calm as possible,"
I took a deep breath and exhaled.
"There's a possibility that I could be pregnant,"
"Oh my god. Oh my god. Are you serious?" Gerard asked.
"More than serious." Gerard put his head in his hands.
"I cannot believe this. I really can't Scarlett. I thought you were more careful about these things. You do realize a pregnancy at 16 is going to fuck up your life completely right?"
"I didn't mean to get pregnant. Just, me and frank got really heated and didn't realize till after we-,"
"Please," Gerard cut in. "I don't want details,"
"It's not for sure yet,"
"I know Scarlett, that's not the point. The point is that you aren't responsible enough to remember to use a fucking condom! If you come back from this tour pregnant, what will mom and dad say? They'll probably make you move back in with them,"
"But I want to stay with you and Mikey,"
"Well legally, you still belong to mom and dad. So they can make you move back in,"
"I knew you'd be mad Gerard but please calm down,"
"Calm down? You want me to calm the fuck down when my baby sister who I thought was a responsible and wonderful person is probably going to end up pregnant at 16? I love you Scarlett, I always will but you've done everything I've told you not to do. You dated one of my friends, had sex with him, and didn't use a condom! And you expect me to calm down!?" Gerard screamed, getting up and walking around while using his hands to animate what he was saying. Then, in anger, I got up.
"When you first got in here, I knew you were going to be pissed. But this is fucking stupid. If I didn't tell you this, and in two weeks when I take that goddamn pregnancy test and it reads positive, you'd freak the hell out. But here I am, doing the brave thing and actually trying to have a calm conversation with you, you have to fucking explode with anger like always!"
"Well it's not easy to be calm when I find out you've been sleeping with the whole world like a fucking whore!" And when Gerard spoke those words I just stopped. My urge to fire back died. My big brother who I love with all of my heart just called me a whore. It feels like high school all over again. Tears instantly rushed to my eyes.
"Get out!" I yelled, crying hysterically and pointing to the door. Gerard came over to me.
"Scarlett, I'm so-,"
"Just get the fuck out," I said, opening the door for him and slamming it as he left. I sat on the bed and cried, but not long after Frank came in. He sat down next to me and took me into his arms.
"Scarlett. You need to calm yourself. Take deep breaths, okay?" He said while rubbing my back.
"I'm just so sad that my relationship with Gerard is torn apart. He's my big brother and I've hurt him multiple times. Not on purpose, but it doesn't matter. I feel like a bitch,"
Frank kissed my lips softly.
"Baby, Gerard will always love you. You'll always be his little sister, and I'm sure he's just in shock,"
"But I did wrong. I shouldn't be pregnant, Frank I'm 16. Gerard is right, I am a whore!" I said while crying. Frank picked me up off the bed and pulled the covers out so I could lay inside it. He laid me down and got in with me. Then he wrapped his strong arms around me and said into my ear, "You are not a whore, Scarlett. You're my beautiful girlfriend. You have zero flaws, you're super sweet, and I love how you do that thing where you cover your face when you laugh. Don't you ever think bad about yourself, understand me?"
"I understand. That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard," he softly giggled and hugged me tighter.
"Well you're the sweetest thing I've ever seen,"
Frank said.
"I wish I was less hard on Gerard. I know what he said was mean but I yelled at him and didn't even give him a chance to explain,"
"Well I'll go get him for you," Frank said, getting out of the bed.
"Hey, I wanted more cuddles!" I said, laughing.
"You'll get more cuddles later. First you need to call your brother back in here and talk. I'll talk with you too,"
"Really? You'd do that for me?"
"I'd do anything for you," Frank said, grabbing my hands and kissing me gently. "I'll go get Gerard. You stay right here, ok? I'll be next to you the entire time,"
"Ok. Thank you so much. I love you," I said to Frank.
"I love you too. Be right back," Frank left the room and brought Gerard back within like 3 or 4 minutes. Frank sat next to me and grabbed my hand.
"Scarlett, look I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. I'm just so thrown off by this whole thing," Gerard said.
"I know. It's fine. I'm sorry too, I'm such a bad person and and even worse sister," I said. Frank put his arm around me and kissed me.
"You're not a bad person," he said.
"And you aren't a bad sister," Gerard said. "You're the best sister I could ask for."
"I'm happy you don't hate me. I thought for sure you did," I said, smiling at Gerard.
"No I don't. I will never hate you. Well I'll go back next door and let you guys be alone," Gerard said.
"Ok, thanks for coming by," I gave Gerard a hug and then he left.
"We should order room service, like pizza or something," Frank suggested.
"We just had pizza!" I laughed.
"You can never have too much pizza,"
"For you maybe," I said. I put my hands around his shoulders and kissed him on the lips.
"You can have pizza, I'll order sushi,"
"Ok. I'll call it in," for the rest of the night Frank and I watched movies and cuddled until we eventually fell asleep. It ended up being not so bad of a day after all.

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