12. Not Your Average Bar Fight

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The next day, it was about 2 hours before MCR went onstage at a local bar/ live music place (or whatever the hell you call it). I'm backstage with the boys who are all having their post- show beers.
"Oh, we should probably make room for the members of the opening band. They're coming in now," Gerard said. Then, a familiar looking guy came in. Oh shit, it's Oliver, I thought. He's in Andy's band...
"Oliver! Nice to see you, what're you doing here?" I asked him.
"Oh hey Scarlett. We're setting up. We go on right before your brother's group. Maybe-" before he could finish, I saw Andy come push through everyone to get to me. I cleared my throat.
"Is there anything you want to fucking say to me?" He yelled.
"Just go away, please," I said, trying to move away. He then grabbed my shirt and looked me right in the eye and said, "Don't you dare walk away from me." I screamed for Frank and him and all the boys came rushing over to see what was going on.
"Hey man, what the fuck? That's my girlfriend don't you fucking touch her!" Frank said. Then, the completely unexpected happened, and Andy took a huge punch at Frank's right eye.
"Gosh dammit!" He screamed, grabbing Andy and shoving him into the bar. Soon, security came over and broke up the fight.
"Both of your bands are no longer playing here tonight. Forget it! Leave at once please," the guard demanded. We took all our instruments out and loaded the bus back up.
"Gerard we need to take Frank to a hospital," I said.
"We will, don't worry," he said, hugging me. I rushed over to Frank and tried to comfort him.
"Babe you didn't have to do that," I said, rubbing his back gently.
"I did it for you. No way I was letting that fuck ass treat you that way. I'm glad you dumped him,"
"We're getting you to a hospital to get your eye checked out. I'm flattered that you did that for me but you're hurt,"
"Baby I will be fine. I promise. We'll just get it checked out and I'll be good," Frank said. I kissed him and wrapped my arms around him until we got to the ER.
After we got Frank's eye checked out, we got pizza to have for dinner while the boys tried to land another gig somewhere else. After hours of phone calls, they finally got one at a small music arena in Manhattan. It got late, so I headed to bed. Not to my surprise, Frank climbed in with me and whispered, "Goodnight beautiful,"
"Goodnight babe,"

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