8. Plane Ticket To Nowhere

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I sat in the airport awaiting my flight home. Tears stream down my face as I look at my cell phone and all the unanswered messages I have from Frank.
"I love you"
"Don't go home"
"I'm going to miss you so fucking much"
"Scarlett, are you there?"
It was too late. My boarding group was called, and before I knew it I was on a dingy ass plane with a ton of tired smelly people and a tight seat. I popped a Xanax before we took off, and the woman next to me with her ten year old daughter told me, "Don't take that please. You'll scare my daughter." I angrily replied, "The only thing that's going to scare your daughter is if this plane crashes in the fucking ocean." A bit later the flight attendant came around and asked if I wanted a drink but I denied. Two more hours till I was back home in New Jersey. No matter how much Xanax I had in my system, all I thought of was Frank. He's probably sitting on the bus waiting for me to walk right back through that door when I know I won't. He's probably going to be a freaking mess tonight at the show where he's worried sick about me. It killed me to think of those things, but I know that's real life. I'll text him tomorrow morning when I'm back on my rocker, but tonight I'm a damn wreck. I must've fell asleep because the woman next to me had to shake me to tell me the plane landed. I got my suitcase and went out. When I get out I see my mom and she hugs the living shit out of me.
"Oh Scarlett, didn't I warn you about those boys?" She asked.
"Mom, just please don't talk to me until the morning. I'm such a mess,"
"Ok honey. The cars out front," When I finally got home, well, to my parents' house, I threw myself onto the bed and closed my eyes. I can't live this way anymore. I just can't.

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