16. The Breathalyzer Says Otherwise

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When I woke up it looked dark out. I checked my phone and the time read 8:34 pm. I guess I had been really depressed considering I slept a full 24 hours. I walked to the kitchen are and saw a note on the counter. "Scarlett- went to the gig. Be back around midnight. -Mikey"
Right now I could describe my feelings as empty, sick, and emotionally drained. None of those feelings are fun. I open the fridge and look for a water or something- I'm so thirsty. However the only thing in sight was beer. What the hell, I thought. Who's gonna catch me? I open a drawer and pull out a bottle opener. I open the beer and take a sip. Wretched. While the taste was awful, I started to feel a little better emotionally after every drink. That's what kept me at it. Before I knew it, I had finished the entire bottle. At this point I had no control of myself whatsoever so I grabbed another bottle. Cap off. Sip. Gulp. I drank and drank until I had gone through all six, and I lost complete control. The room was spinning. I fell on my head. It hurt bad, but after that, all I remember was black.
The second time I awoke that day was in the ER. I couldn't see very clearly, but I could make out the four figures standing in front of me. As soon as my eyes opened, I said, "Why am I here?"
"Scarlett, you drank way too much. You passed out. I'm worried. Maybe you need to stay in the hospital for a while to make sure you aren't drinking anymore alcohol." Gerard said.
"No I'll be ok. I promise. It was just one time and I was out of my mind. I'm sad and broken and I don't know what to do." I cried. Frank stepped forward and gave me a hug.
"Am I doing this to you?" He asked me, looking me straight in the eye.
"Truthfully, yes." His face sank and he grabbed my hands.
"Please, please don't do this to yourself. When you get better, we can talk a little more about us, ok?" I nodded and he stepped back.
"Scarlett, we don't have another gig until tomorrow so we want to stay here as long as possible with you," Gerard said.
"Unfortunately, that's only 5 more minutes. Visiting hours are over then," the nurse said.
The boys eventually left and I was still stuck in this prison cell with curtains and a bad smell. They brought me an unappetizing plate of peas, carrots, and a chicken drumstick. It wasn't that bad, I just couldn't think about eating because of how awful I felt. I asked the nurse how long I would be in here, and she said I only had to stay tonight and that was it. I was so relieved. I lied back in my uncomfortable hospital bed and went to sleep, hoping to dream happily.

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