"Depends on what game?" Adriannah slid her hand from his shoulder and rested it on his chest.

"The twenty questions game." He whispered. Adriannah shrugged. "Okay, first question: Who do you cherish in your life the most?"

"My cousin, his wife, Jayne and my life." She took a deep breath. "What is one thing you careless about?"

"What people think of me." He kissed her cheek and laughed as she blushed. "Question three: What is one thing you hate about me?" He smirked.

"I don't think there is one thing I hate about you." She shrugged. "What is your favorite color?"

"Bright neon pink." He laughed at her expression. "Just kidding purple. So what is one thing I did that bothers you the most?"

"The fact that you kissed me twice and left wondering if you wanted me or not." She stared at him. "Why did you kiss me?"

"It seemed like a good thing at the time." Disgusted, Adriannah pushed him away and stormed off. Nice going dick head! Regretting what he said he went after as she climbed the stairs. "Adriannah I didn't...."

Swirling around, she slapped his face. "I thought you kissed me because you felt something. But I was wrong. I am starting to have strong feelings about you. I pray too God your son doesn't end up like you, the Alpha status in you has gone to your head. " She lifted her hand again to hit him but she turned and walked away.

Dean's face stung as he ran after her and caught her hand. He turned her around, he hesitated for a second, when he thought she would hit him again. Instead she gave him a deadly glare, holding her face in his hands, he kissed her gently. "I kissed you because I felt something. I am just struggling with the feelings you are giving me and I was scared that I might condemn you."

Adriannah could feel her anger slowly reduce to nothing as Dean took off her mask, touching her skin lightly. She knew what he meant by condemning her. Her life would be detected to him, like marriage. She would be his mate forever, but did she want that? Damn straight you do! Her inner wolf growled. She watched him flinch a little as she took off his mask as well and felt guilty when she saw the red mark on his face. "I am sorry."

"I deserved what I got." He kissed her again and started to tow her towards her room. "Come on, let's ditch this party."

Once they were in the room, Dean started to passionately kiss her as he pulled off his jacket. "What about your mother?" She broke the kiss, breathing hard. She watched Dean throw his jacket on the chair and lock the door.

"She is a grown woman. She doesn't need two raging hormonal beings to worry about." He picked her up and laid her on the bed. Sitting up she removed the pins in her hair, her heels and other things that she had on. Dean watched her as she set them on the nightstand, licking his dry lips, he quickly pinned her to the soft bed. His body lay gently on top of hers as he kissed her. His right hand moved from her face, down her neck and stopped over her breast. He squeezed it gently, which made Adriannah moan in his mouth.

Pleasure attacked Adriannah's body as she absentmindedly started to unbutton his shirt and run her hand over his muscular chest. Her hands stopped over the button of his pants, but Dean grabbed her hands and held them above her head. Using one hand he ran his hands up her thigh, until he was close to where she craved him most. Pulling away from their kiss, he smiled the most devilish smile.

She stared into his eyes and saw the raw desire and passion as he touched her, a shiver of pure ecstasy washed over her. Dean felt how wet she was for him through her panties and without a second thought he pulled her dress off. With hungry eyes he looked at her before him, she was only in a purple lace underwear.

Adriannah's face turned red with embarrassment, but it soon disappeared as she felt his lips kiss down her neck and stopped over her collarbone. Dean began to pull her panties down until they were gone from her body; chuckling evilly he rubbed her until he heard her moan. "You are so beautiful." He whispered against her skin.

Taking his time to torture her, he slipped his fingers in her. A jolt of electricity sparked into Adriannah's body as she moaned his name. Moving faster he let go of her hands and sucked on her skin. He smiled as he felt her get even wetter. He could feel her hands back in the button of his pants, he allowed her to open them.

Removing his hands from her cord, he pulled his pants down all the way and started to spread her legs. He positioned himself so his hard erection was against her. Adriannah's breath was caught in her throat, a smile spread across her face as she watched him slide down her body until his face was right next to her aching core.

Instantly she cried out as he took her in his mouth, her heart raced so fast she thought she would have died of a heart attack. In an instant her hips moved against his mouth as he licked her. she moaned his name louder and louder until she almost screamed.

Satisfied he flicks her core quickly with the tip of his tongue as he slips his middle finger deep into her slowly. When he finally tasted her first orgasm he pulled his fingers out and kissed his way up to her mouth as he slid his erection slowly into her core filling her completely. A sharp pain came at first, but slowly turned into pleasure.

His thrusts were slow when he realized she was a virgin, until they became faster and harder into her as he kissed from the corner of her mouth to her neck where he bites her claiming her as his only. As he comes close to exploding in her he stops and kisses her quickly before capturing her nipple in his mouth.

Dean removed his mouth from her breast and started up again to her lips. Adriannah began to match his strokes until she felt him explode in her, when she screamed his name. With one hand he picked her up while still inside her and started thrusting in faster, her legs straddling his lean hips.

After a while he stopped when they finally had their last orgasm and sweat covered their bodies. Looking down at her, he never thought he would be holding her; better yet have sex with her. His eyes flickered to the bite mark on her neck, he had claimed her. She was his mate. Giving her one last kiss, he laid down on the bed, pulling her next to him.

Turning her body to face him she smiled. "I almost forgot." She pressed her lips to the base of his throat and bit him, not letting her fangs pierce too far in. a little blood came as she hungrily licked it away, causing Dean to shudder. "Now you are mine." She whispered. Pulling her closer he kissed her forehead and closed his eyes. A few moments later they were both asleep.

The Hybrid Series: His Mate.... {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now