The very next day after the end of her good and sane life at least according to Diane, her phone was ringing non-stop. She was getting calls and text messages from friends and some family members congratulating on her upcoming nuptials. Her living room was overflowing with dozens and dozens of flowers coming from both her and George's friends. 'Come on people, we are not even dating let alone engaged' she felt like screaming at the top of her lungs. But she could not even scream for fear of the paparazzi hearing her and printing it for the whole world to see.

'Why me? Why, why, why me? What did I ever do to deserve this?' she continued to lament. Why was her life an entertainment blog? Magazines and entertainment news were running the story over and over again, calling her office or asking for her clients. Some journalist if you could call them that were speculating when and where the wedding were going to be held. The only good thing that came from this whole bamboozle was Diane's name being cleared from any suspicion of being a gold digger.

But that still does not excuse him for bringing more limelight to her already complicated life. She always knew that George was as mad as a fox. As well as learning long ago to never try and unravel the pieces and enigmas that made up George Sinclair's mind but now she was starting to regret not getting into contact with a psychiatric hospital sooner. Because right now only they could possibly explain how George thought and was even tempted to contact one hospital and have him checked into. That idea was dashed because the buffoon had made it impossible for her to do anything without it becoming public knowledge. Yes there were times when she wanted to go on twitter or Facebook to make it clear that she was not in anyway shape or form engaged to George Sinclair, but decided against making any rash thoughts. Her damned kindness was getting in the way of her harming George and making him the laughingstock of the country. Instead she was hiding away waiting and weighing her options.

Which brings the Reyes family's current living arrangements. She and her family were now living in George's mansion. George had sent his assistant to her house the next evening after his interview to bring them all to his second house away from all prying eyes. She had refused at first, but his assistant and her mother made a very good point of protection and security from stalkers and intruders and the media. So they packed up whatever they could throw in a couple of suitcases and hopped into the awaiting SUV and drove off to of his mansions out of the city. Thankfully the boys who were still unaware of the current situation, had two weeks off school and the situation could not be any worse. George's house which was more of a mansion was on the coast, big and spacious and was near the beach but most importantly it was far away from wandering eyes and the hounds of paparazzi.

But that idiotic man had yet to show his face to Diane. He was smart and wise enough to give the raging room some room and country to calm down before meeting up with her. An angry Diane was no joke, he would much rather take a bullet than face her. Oh yes the guy was smart that was for sure, staying clear away from the still seething woman.

As he was hiding she was waiting. Patiently waiting for when George would use his balls and show his face and take his punishment like a grown man.

"He had his reasons" Esther repeated bringing Diane out of her daydream of how to break George's hand. Esther was not deeply worried about what George did. George was one of the very few men she trusted around her daughter and she was very picky about who was around her daughter. Esther more often than not felt like a failure as a mother for all the pains and sufferings that her daughter had gone through. She was not the best of a mentor to her daughter from when she was a child to her teenage years. Diane might not know it but she was aware of her daughter's anger and resentment towards her for all the pain she had endured because of her mistakes. And that was something she could never forgive herself.

Signed Away (SOON TO BE PUBLISHED ON AMAZON)Where stories live. Discover now