The Signs Favorite Things

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Aries: the moment before a roller coaster falls, dancing to loud music.

Taurus: the first bite of food you've been craving, someone enjoying the thing you made happen.

Gemini: laughing with someone and realizing how much you enjoy their existence, people playing with your hair.

Cancer: waking up before everyone else, tea and a good book on a rainy day.

Leo: road trips with friends, and remembering all the words to old songs.

Virgo: your parents telling old childhood stories, coming home after a long day.

Libra: getting a complement on something you've worked hard on, watching old Disney movies

Scorpio: laughing till your stomach hurts, and having a warm drink between your hands.

Sagittarius: the feeling after you win something, and looking at someone and smiling because you like them so much

Capricorn: snow melting away, your friends holding you until you fall asleep.

Aquarius: grass between your bare toes, fireworks lighting the night sky.

Pisces: watching the sun rise/ set , and catching your crush staring at you.


For me a Pisces it's completely true, but it's weird if you look at each other at the exact same moment, and you know that they are thinking about after you look away....anyways thanks for the reads again!!!


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