Greek God's/ Titans

1.7K 84 49

Aries: Aries (haha funny)

Taurus: Dionysus

Gemini: Hermes

Cancer: Artemis

Leo: Apollo

Virgo: Athena

Libra: Aphrodite

Scorpio: Hades

Sagittarius: Zeus

Capricorn: Cronus

Aquarius: Prometheus

Pisces: Neptune (ugh I'm so shocked)

Okay guys thank you you are amazing human beings like just the other day my book had like 500 reads and today I get on wattpad and my book has 716 reads and like 108 votes, and it's all cause of you!  Thanks!

  Okay wait, so if you make a request for a new chapter I can try to do one for you and because it will be your idea I will dedicate that Chapter to you.


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