The Sleepover - Chapter 8

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It was 7:00 pm the girls will be here anytime. Dad and mom had to go somewhere and are coming back in two days. They left a note on the refrigerator. I went upstairs to change into my pj's. Then I walked back down towards the living room. Ding dong! The bell rang, I skipped towards the door.

I opened the door "Hi!" I grinned. They rushed towards me and we hugged. "Let's start our sleepover! Yeah!" Stacy yelled and everyone ran inside. I closed the door "Nice house" "Thanks."

We had enough couches so everyone can get one each. "So on the left is the kitchen and the right is a movie theater. If you go upstairs, there are five bedrooms. If you turn left and down the hallway, you will find my room.

There are my dad's office and my personal room. Don't go in there if you don't want to get hurt."So let's start our sleepover! Yeah" everyone shouted.

We all were really energetic, so we decided to dance. We all walked into my room and I turned on my phone's Bluetooth and connected it with a Speaker. I played my playlist.

40 minutes later

Stacy and I went to get some snacks while the girls are in the movie theatre room. We walked into the movie theatre. There were only five rows and 10 seats in each row. We sat down in the back row.

We all wanted to watch different movies. So we made chits and wrote the movie we wanted to watch on it. Then put in a box. Summer shook the box and Ruby took out a chit.

Ruby's smile turned into a sad face. This was for sure that it wasn't her movie "The witch!" She said. Everyone groaned and Alice started jumping up and down. We didn't want to watch a horror film.

We were all clutching to something a snack, pillow or blanket. It's sad that the family is suspecting Thomasin and her mother is making her do more chores then the rest of the family members. Thomasin was alone, it was so silent.

Suddenly, I heard a scream behind me. All of us jumped up and Ruby fell in the row in front of us. Alice was laughing and the rest of us just shocked what was in front of us. Noah and the other guys were all laughing.

I felt my blood rush to my brain just like when you are upside down and your face is red and heated. Jacob hurried to help Ruby. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked him with a scowl expression.

" We are crashing your sleepover" Michael sat down on one of the seats and grabbed my m&ms. I grabbed it from him before he can have any and pointed my fingers "And who's idea was this?" "Noah!" All the guys shouted.

"And how the hell did you know where my house is?" "Connor saw the address in Stacy's phone" Jacob answers while helping Ruby into a seat. I shook my head and walked out of the room into the living room.

I could hear them talking to convince me to let the guys stay here for the night "Get out of my house!" I used the serious tone. "Come on, it's just one night." "They are not going to do anything" everyone was shouting at me.

"Ok!" I shouted and all of them smiled and sat down on the couches. "You guys can hang around here or I have a game room upstairs. I am going to order pizza." I walked towards the sliding door to the backyard and order a pizza.

I sat down by the lake again. "You should come inside" I looked the reflection. "Why?" His hands are in his pocket. "Because it is cold and I don't want you to be outside" first I didn't realise how cold it was, but when he mentioned it, a shiver inside me went from the bottom of the toe till the top of the head. I started trembling.

"You are freezing!" He commented. I pulled him down with me. He was going to wrap his hand around me when I looked at him he pretends to pick a small stone which was behind me. I looked the other way and smiled. I faked that I wasn't paying any attention. I played with my fingers.

I felt sparks around my waist and instantly knew it was Noah. I laid my head on his shoulder. "If I go inside how would I enjoy this moment? No matter how hard you try.. You'll always miss out.. on something in life. Let's just.. Enjoy the moment."

I smiled and looked at him. He was getting closer to me. His lips were like 5 inches away from me. I lightly slapped him. "Sorry!" He shifted a bit back. "In movies at times like this they kiss" he scratched his neck. I raised my eyebrow "Then don't watch movies!" I answered. We were looking into the water.

"Aaaah!" I heard a scream. We both quickly got up and ran inside. I looked in the living room no one was there " behind me everyone" someone said. I heard it was from upstairs and rushed upstairs. I saw everyone standing in front of my personal room and the door was open. Jacob was holding an umbrella and everyone was behind him in a line.

I went in front of them and saw Romeo hissing at them. He doesn't attack anyone if I don't tell him to. "Romeo go back in there" he glared at my friends for a second and then traveled to his space or home. I closed my door. "Who opened the door?"

Stacy pointed at Conner, and he gasped. "Traitor!" He acted like a drama queen. "I told you, Stacy, not to go in there, you were supposed to let him not go in there. If I was one second late. God knows what would have happened!" I shouted. Stacy sniffed and Conner growled like an animal one. He stood in front of Stacy.

Noah pushed Conner back and growled just like Conner, but his one was louder and powerful. He turns his face left and showed his neck like he was submitting. Before things could get out of hand, I pulled Noah back and told the others which rooms they could use. Michael decided to sleep on a couch.

Noah followed me. I grabbed a pillow and blanket and settled it up. "Babe! You can sleep on the bed with me" Noah's voice was hypnotising. I looked at him, he was laying on my bed with only boxers on. I walked towards him at pulled him up. I put my arms around him and slowly started moving so he was in my spot and I was in his.

"Actually, you'll sleep on that couch" I whispered in his ear and pushed him towards the couch. "Hey, that's not fair," he shouted. "Shh! Some people are sleeping" I got under the covers with my phone in my hand.

All of sudden I heard moans from the room next to us. "Ok! Maybe not" My eyes widened slightly. Noah chuckled and sits next to me. He pushed my hair behind my ear. "Your eyes.. " "What about them?" "They are saying.. You are dying to give me a Goodnight kiss" "hahaha! Funny, now you can go and sleep" I pointed to the couch and pushed him away.

I turned the other way and closed my eyes. After some time I heard something moving. I felt the bed on the other side dip and next I know arms wrapped around me. "Your smell mmh, it's killing me. Baby let me hold you and everything will fall in the right place" he whispered in my ear.

It was not a normal whisper, not a whisper which would only stay with you, a whisper that can become a spell and make you fall asleep.

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