Intro - Chapter 1

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"Mom, can we get some carrots on the way, Ginger hasn't eaten since morning," I asked mom. "Sure! Ray, honey can you stop at the supermarket." My dad just nods.I opened her cage and placed her in my lap.

Ginger is my little rabbit, pet. I have two pets; my other pet is a snake. Yeah! You heard it right a snake, his name is Romeo. He is harmless and my little baby.

Anyways, now about myself, my name is Nora. My family and I are moving because of my demand. I wanted my house near a more forestry place so we are moving to a city name Terreno Lupo. It means 'wolf land.' Weird! Right.

"Sweetie! We are here, but I still can't find a supermarket" dad looks through the rear mirror. I continued patting ginger. She was poking her tongue out showing that she's hungry, but she has to wait a little longer.

My dad said Terreno Lupo was the best place for me to start my future. It is just the place I want because there is a forest. It isn't like those creepy forests in movies with no animals. I read online that people say that no one really explored the woods. So I get the chance. Dad says it's dangerous, so not to go too deep.

"Ray " "Yeah mom " "Go! Get some carrots," I quickly laid ginger on the seat and rushed to the entrance. I got some carrots even for afterward. I got 2 packets of bubblegums, Grapes, and strawberry flavor. I paid for my stuff and exited the shop. Then got back in the car and grabbed ginger from the middle seat. I put on my seatbelt and started feeding her.

Romeo was awake by now as he was moving around in his little home. I got him a glassed rectangle box with a netted wired on top. Inside there is real grass and rocks with a bonsai tree. I got it made for him separately otherwise, the manager of the pet shop was only putting white stones inside and that's it. Come on he's Nora's pet, so he gets to be special.

We finally reached our new house. It was quite big then the old one. I excitedly skipped to the doorsteps and in front of the entrance. Dad and mom reached while I was admiring the border of the door just like photo frames.

Next to the door in the bricks, there was a square shaped thing. My dad positions his hand on it. A line went up and down the thing like it was scanning dad's hand.

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