Chapter 64: Know Thy Enemy

Start from the beginning

"Were you able to find Klaus?" Stefan prompted.

"No, but there are these rumors flying around, that a doppelganger still exists."

John turned to Elena. "Which means that every vampires who wants to gain a favor with Klaus will be waiting in line to capture you."

Holly crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm not buying any of this."

"Holly is right," Elena argued. "The last time you were here you made it clear that you didn't give a damn about me and now you want to help?"

"Isobel has been helping all along," John explained. "Klaus has been obsessed over finding Katherine for centuries, when the tomb vampires were let out any of them could have told Klaus, so that's why we killed them."

"And almost killed Damon and Stefan in the process." Holly snapped.

Isobel was trying to be patient. "Look, I have a safe house that I can take you too, the deed is in your name, and no one else can get in there. Not even me, let me help you."

Elena stood up angrily. "You want to help, then get the hell out of my house!"

Later that afternoon, Elena and Holly were at the Lockwood's getting ready to accept the check from Carol. "And here ready to accept the donation to the Miranda Sommers-Gilberts scholarship fund is her daughters Elena and Holly Gilbert."

Elena and Holly stepped towards Carol and Holly took the check, they turned around to the awaiting audience. "The historical society was my mom's baby." Elena smiled.

Holly continued. "We both know that she would be touched by this gift so, in-"she broke off when a sudden noise was heard and everyone rushed towards the hallway.

"Elena," Holly clutched her sister's hand. "It's John, he's hurt."

Katherine came from behind Holly and snapped her neck, Elena turned to her. "What are you doing here?"

Katherine ignored the question. "Nice dress, mind if I borrow it?"

"Just because neither of you can be compelled doesn't mean that I can't force you to come with me." Isobel told Elena and Holly as they got out of the car.

"So were you compelled to betray Katherine?" Holly asked, she couldn't help but feel glad that Katherine was getting some of her own medicine.

"If I was, I couldn't tell you," Isobel said.

They stopped in front of a grave. "What is this?" Elena asked.

"My headstone from my parents," Isobel said dryly. "They visit every week and bring flowers even though there is no one buried here. There's a part of me that is buried here, the human part the part that wished that someday she could meet her daughters. Instead you got to meet the other part of me, the part that would betray their own flesh and blood." Her cell phone rang.

"I have Katherine and the moonstone, is the doppelganger safe?"


"Then let her go. Klaus has everything he needs at the moment, you're done with what you have been compelled to do."

"I'm done?"

"You're done."

"Who was that?" Holly asked.

Isobel ignored the question. "I'm sorry Elena, Holly that I was such a disappointment to both of you." She took off her necklace and her screams were heard as she burnt to death.

Later that night, John meet Holly in the kitchen. "I'm sorry Holly I didn't know that Isobel and Katherine were working together, two of the most selfish and uncaring vampires and yet they were friends."

"If you knew that Katherine and Isobel even liked each other why did you trust her at all?" she snapped. "Elena could have been with Klaus right now and I could have been dead!"

"Because I was there when she gave birth to both of you girls, I saw how heartbroken she was to give you up." John said. "And because she was the first girl that I have ever loved, you're calling the shots here. If you want me to go, I'll go."

Holly closed her eyes. "Stop, because while you may have complicated matters greatly, you are the only parent that we have left and we . . . may need your advice."

John smiled. "Ok."

Katherine woke up slowly and looked around the apartment, damn it she had fallen for Isobel's trap! She looked at her surroundings and saw that a couple of warlocks were huddled over a man.

She stood up and noticed the man. "Alaric?"

She tried to vamp speed out of the apartment, but was blocked. Alaric took her face in his hands. "Zdravei, Katerina."


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