On our way

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As we past through the rain and puddles of sorrow we filled up, we finally found a sign. Butters and I stop in our tracks and stare at the sign. The words "hospital" next 5 miles. I sprang up with excitement. We were getting closer to her. Butters watches me smile with happiness. But through this journey, she changed. I thought he was the happy girl. I've always wanted her to be happy but now, she's seen so much. Shes been in horror. She's probably sick and tired of crying. I turn my head at her and smile, but no reaction. She sits there staring up into the sky. My head tilts over to the right. Her head straight up like a dog pointing at food. My head goes back n forth. Trying to figure why?

A minute or two pass by and we still sit here. I watch the cars rumble by, kids watching us. And wondering why we're sitting here staring at the sky with wonder. Some might not even know where here. But it doesn't matter. What matters is the girl and finding our way to her. But butters still sits there. I shake my head, and get up. My legs shiver from the poring rain that slashed onto us. Our fur full of soggy dirt. I smile at butters, trying to get her attention. But again she doesn't. Finally, I sigh. "Butters," I say softly. My head look up at her wanting to here her voice. Her jaw opens quickly, "yeah?" She asks still staring at the bright sky. I rest my head onto hers.
"What are you looking at."
Her face brightens with wonder and confusion. She turns over at me and smiles. Thinking I should know why. But my head is confused as can be. "Pepper, look up." She says tenderly. My face squints, "what?" I say clueless. Her paw grabs my jaw forcing to look up. My eyes look upon the bright blue sky. She smiles and looks too. "Isn't it beautiful."
"I.. I guess. But I don't understand what the deal is."
Butters fur flows vibrantly in the wind. Her face tilted ever so slightly to get the perfect air. Her eyes close to make her feel like she's flying. I hear her take a deep breath. A sigh leaves her. "It's like home." She's says smiling.
"Home?" I questioned.
A tear falls slowly down her cheek. "Why can't we go home." She was worried, I could tell. She was sick and tired of this journey. Ever since the beginning of it, she knew. She had that gut feeling. We were long enough. But I don't want to give up. I want to continue. I sigh, "butters." My eyes close. I didn't want to see her reaction. I turn my head facing her. My eyes lock into hers. She knew something, but I can't tell. I open my eyes staring straight into her. "The girl, still needs us. Without her.. How can we survive." She shakes her head. "Pepper, all through this journey, we've survived. We hunt down squirrels and mice. We've made it through fights against that fox! And your telling me we won't survive without her?!" Her voice increases every word. All through my life the girl had been there. She doesn't understand. I growl quietly. My eyes look up and then at the sign. "All my life, I've seen her. She's been there protecting me. Ever since Fernando left! She's been there! I've been reject by my own mother and father. I've never felt love. But I have. From someone else. And that was..." I stopped for a moment thinking. Butters stares at me with anger. Trying to come back at me. But I shake my head, waking off to the hospital. My eyes lock over at the hospital. Butters runs over to me, still angry.

"Well.." She says softly. "Just... One street away across." I turn to her and smile. "We're finally going to see her!" I shout. My head pokes out onto the rode looking back and forth every time. Butters sits, sighing. She dislikes her. She doesn't have her happiness. She slowly gets up and walks across. Not even watching for cars. I look back at her and smile running across. She smiles back and pats the street floor loudly to get across. Once we arrive in front of the hospital I take a deep breath and walk in quietly.

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