Gone Forever

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I put Jack in front of the tree. Soon everyone knew. They talked till the night arrived. Most of the adult cats around were normal with it. They seen it before, the dog killed em, they died from birth.. They seen it all. From sickness to murder, even suicide. They couldn't do anything about it!? They live in the open once and for all. My mother or who used to be, looked at Jack as if he was one of her kits. But she ignored him and I knew from her eyes he wasn't her kit. Even male cats went up there, but they didn't cry like some other wimpy cats they stood there for a second and left. Some, maybe cried after they saw Jack, I could understand why you'd cry. They probably had kits before but they died, right?!

A day after more cats arrived to the farm, some I've never seen before. These cats were looking for a black and gray cat. HEY! That's Jack! But wait? If I tell him he's dead that.. That'll break there heart. I sigh as I walk over to butters. "Awe hey pepper!" Shouted butters. As she turned her head at me she glimpses at Jack. I knew she was still sad about him. How can I blame her she was his best friend, they've been together since i wasn't around. "You going to see Jack again?" I ask her questionably. She looks down at the floor as she frowns. "I'm sorry pepper but I'm not going to see my brother again not in till I'm dead too." She said walking away. "Well you're right but you don't need to walk away from me." I say walking closer to her.  She turns her head at me as she begins to turn her self around."I just want to go somewhere that's not involved with my brother that's all I want but I can't because everyone's still talking about him?!" Butters shouts as she begins to cry. "I'm sorry pepper I made you mad but it's going to go away till the owners come back?!" I shout back at her as our yells echo the empty hollow goat barn. She turns her head away from me and walks away. I follow her but once I get out there I loose her and I see a mother in front of Jack.

I run over as I see her snuggle him. She cries as she realize it's her son. Tears soaked jacks fur as his limps are dead.  I walk over closer to the mother and Jack. She looked over at me as I look at Jack. "Did you know him?" She asked me. "Only for a while." I say as I look down at the blood floor. "How'd he die?!" She ask me as she puts her head up. "It's unknown how he died but all I know is where." I say. "Hmm.. I see what are you doing after he sits out here?" She asked. "We don't do anything we just let him stay there but on end of week we put him on the top as we did with out ancestors." I said. She walks away as I grab Jack and put him on the top of the tree.

That night I talked to butters about leaving tomorrow night in search of the girl.

The LostTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon