The Garage

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Me and snowy whispered our plan. "at night we'll investigate what was going on. then we'll report it back to snowy? Deal?" I say to butters as Jack hides behind the wood hearing our whispers.

That night it was darker than before, me and butters grabbed Jack and went to the garage. it was dark and had food everywhere. It was nothing I've seen before. We crept around while Jack was feeling brave and snuck into the house. "Jack!?" Yelled butters. "What its not like the dog in here?" Jack said while smirky and laughing. "Ugh fine.. But if you do see the dog I'm not helpin." Butters said angry. So Jack went in while I stayed in this stone cold garage along with butters. "Did you find anything yet butters?!" I yell. "I found a dirty sock if that's what you mean?!" Butters says while having a nasty face on her. "Let's go check on Jack." I say to butters while walking over to the door. "Ugh find lets go.." Butters says rolling her eyes. So we walk on I to the door. As soon as we walked in there was blood on the floor.

The LostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora