❦ chapter nine ❦

Start from the beginning

"hey do you wanna come over for like a late lunch?" Flossy asked into the phone. "I really need the company right now."

and within five minutes, Calum was at the door with a bright smile and worried eyes. she led him into the stainless steel kitchen where she already started baking grilled cheese. they caught up on their lives since they saw each other the day before. it was surprising to both of them how little damage Flossy had done to herself, taking into account how trashed she really became.

"so what's up? w-why the sudden urgent message to come over?"

"I wanted to show off my amazing culinary skills," she replied as she flipped the toast over, smiling up at him immediately after. she noticed how Calum wasn't smiling and she lost her smile. "I just need someone right now." she couldn't look into his coffee colored eyes.

"what about Lesla? or Gif? or even Cricket? they could probably help a lot better than I could." he fixed his glasses and ran his fingers through his hair. he was nervous. this topic perplexed him.

"no one ever helps me better than you do, Calum." Flossy dared herself to look at him. she wanted him to see the emotion she had for him. she wanted him to know with her eyes just how much she cared about his involvement in her life.

"what's going on? you're scaring me."

"it's important, but not like, life or death important. actually, now that I think of it you're probably not even comfortable with me telling you what's going on." she met his impatient breath and let out a sigh. "Diff called me this morning, and you know how no one in this generation calls anymore, and it was actually okay. We talked like a normal couple should for a normal amount of time and it just felt like everything was coming back together. And then he mentioned you and -"

"he mentioned me?" Calum interrupted with a scared look reflected in the glare of his glasses. "w-what did he s-say?"

"I don't really remember." it was a lie. she remembered the accusation like she remembered her own name, but if she repeated it, he would know as clear as day what she's been starting to feel for him for weeks. "I just - I want normal for once. I don't want complications. I don't want to fight with him. I want people to see us together and wish for a relationship like us. I want a normal relationship."

Flossy couldn't look at him anymore. she hadn't even thought of this before now and here she was laying her heart out over someone who didn't even love her. no matter how many times he told her, she would never believe him. she heard the tears in her eyes scream to cascade down her cheeks but she wouldn't let them, not in front of Calum.

suddenly, she felt him caress her shoulder and bring her into his arms. he smelled so boyish and it was enough to make her shoulders shake and the tears let out of their pain.

"I don't know what to do," she cried into him. "I don't love him but I can't let go of him. he won't let me."

"not all abusive relationships are physical. he's abusing you, Floss, and I can't let him just keep doing it."

she admired him, she really did. he was daring, intriguing; he was warm. he was angelic, warm. he was meek. he was everything she needed almost always. she wanted to ask him what he was going to do but it was not the right moment in time.

"I'd do anything for you."

at first, she thought she was thinking it in her mind. she wished for him to say it. if she wasn't resting her head against his chest and felt it vibrate as he talked, she would've thought it didn't happen. her heart rate sped up and she was searching every dictionary in her mind to come up with an adequate response.

two moons ❦ calumWhere stories live. Discover now