Pat a Cake

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Pat a cake, Pat a cake, baker's man

Bake me a cake as fast as you can

Pat it and prick it and mark it with 'B'

And put it in the oven for baby and me

Earlier Version

Patty Cake, Patty Cake, Baker's Man;

That I will Master As fast as I can;

Prick it and prick it, and mark it with a "T,"

And there will be enough for Tommy and me.

This nursery rhyme is in the context of baking bread. The bread would be baked on a fixed schedule for the family of the household, maybe once a week or so. The new loaf of bread was made from the previous week's dough. The dough was mixed with new ingredients, left to rise, then a piece of it was saved to be the first loaf baked next week. The rest of the dough was formed into loaves and branded with a letter to signify the family name, then taken to the community oven to bake. These community ovens evolved into what we call bakeries. Certain people specialized in bread baking and with time enhanced the process so far as to mass produce cheap bread for everyone in the village.

Everything that life makes us to be is a result of the attitudes of our inner life. The spiritual fruit can withstand pricking and patting to build our character into a constructive human being. In contrast, without the spiritual fruit we become formed and made into the person that unscrupulous entities want us to be. When there is pricking and patting at the attitude of love, kindness, and goodwill by marking it with a contrary lifestyle then it's like being thrown into the oven of hatred, ill-intent, and cruelty. For example, an evil person might decide that Mother Theresa will be marked as a terrorist, and then she is thrown into hot circumstances to incite inhumane attitudes from her. This is pricking and patting at the spiritual fruit and marking her with a "T" for terrorists. With the pricking and patting at compassion, there is also the pricking and patting at a meek and gentle spirit of peace, marking the person as violent, then throwing the person in circumstances to incite conflict, harshness, and aggression. In addition, there is the pricking and patting at joy, faith, and goodness, while marking the person as being ominous, then throwing the person into situations to incite evil, negativity, and despair. Furthermore, as manipulative entities prick and pat at self-control, patience, and perseverance, they mark you as a person of fatal intent, then throw you into the oven to incite out-of-control, impatient, and terminal reactions. Even so, as we welcome love, peace, faith and perseverance we will be marked with "S," for spiritual, and be able to maintain a constructive attitude within the fiery furnace.

They mark you with a predetermined brand, close your inner life to fruitful blossoms that negate that branding, then they throw you into the oven to incite the manisfestation of that brand. This is similar to an unscrupulous entity who sees rich and fertile soil capable of giving blossom to much fruit and food for daily living. Instead of using the fertile earth to feed the hungry, the evil person decides to mark that soil as ground to grow the plant called "Venus Fly Trap." The fly trap is not anything near to wheat and corn, but leisurely awaits for it's food to come by. Meanwhile, the unscrupulous entity ensures that no other benecial growth sprouts from that land. Likewise, our inner life can be rich and fertile soil for the growth of spiritual fruit, but an evil entity marks that fruitful soul as a person who is emotionally, mentally, and behaviorally unstable. In order to make that false prophecy come about, they throw the person into the oven of an environment that tempts the person to react with out of control behaviors, impatience towards others, and fatal reactions. The evil person does all possible to scrutinize and desolate patience, self-control, and perseverance. Even so, from the fertility of our spiritual life, there is patience when there are intentions to desolate fruitfulness. There is self-control when there are vigilante urges against what irks us, and there's perseverance in fruitful attitudes when we feel we have every right to react unfruitfully.

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